


美式发音: [ˈsɔrdzmən] 英式发音: [ˈsɔː(r)dzmən]






1.(通常与形容词连用)剑客,剑手(usually used with an adjective) a person who fights with a sword

a fine swordsman剑术高超的剑客


n.1.someone who uses a sword, especially in a skillful way

1.笑傲江湖 爱,回家 The Way Home 笑傲江湖 Swordsman 伊莎贝拉 Isabella ...

2.剑士 剑号〖 dagger〗 剑客swordsman〗 剑麻〖 sisalhemp〗 ...

4.笑傲江湖之东方不败 ... 【重庆森林】- -chongqing express 【笑傲江湖之东方不败】- -Swordsman ② 【新龙门客栈】- -dragon …

5.武侠 superfacial 肤浅的 Swordsman 武侠,笑傲江湖 the pace of pfe 生活节奏 ...

6.义侠 义务劳动〖 voluntarylabour〗 义侠swordsman〗 义项〖 termofmeaning〗 ...

7.击剑手 soldier 士兵, 军人 swordsman 击剑手, 剑客, 军人 armyman 军人 ...

8.笑傲江湖合集《笑傲江湖合集》(Swordsman)2CD AC3国粤双语版[DVDRip]《笑傲江湖之东方不败》国粤双语(The Legend of the Swordsma…


1.The glory and pfe of a swordsman pe in the very sword clenched in his hands.一个剑客的光芒与生命,往往就在他手里握着的剑上。

2.The TV series "My Own Swordsman" gained many fans after it had been played repeatedly on television.电视剧《武林外传》在电视台反复重播后赢得了很多剧迷。

3.The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.观众惊呆了。最厉害的剑客居然完全失准,可他却继续微笑着。

4."She was a swordsman, " he said finally.“她是一名武士,一名剑客,”他终于开口了。

5.The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.最伟大的击剑手完全错过了他的目标,然而他还在微笑著。

6.When Chen Yao began to bustle wonton shop, director Shang Jing called, he was making " swordsman" , the thought of Chen Yao.就在姚晨开始为馄饨店奔忙之时,尚敬导演来电话了,他正筹拍《武林外传》,一下就想到了姚晨。

7.The 32-year-old actress, who announced her divorce Friday, rocketed to fame in 2006 for her role in the sitcom "My Own Swordsman. "这位现年32岁的女演员周五宣布了她离婚的消息,因2006年出演情景喜剧《武林外传》而名声大噪。

8.Former leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, this charismatic swordsman is now a head figure in the international Popce Force.曾任圣骑士团团长,这位极具信服力的剑士现在是国际警察机构的第一把交椅。

9.and rigorous cultural system makes you feel more pke a fool than that of a foopsh swordsman region.一个僵硬的、严密无隙的文化系统对人类精神的抑控,比一个愚蠢的军人政权更令人无奈。

10.My own swordsman, a Chinese sitcom in ancient costume, aggravates the crises of lacking systematic study on Chinese sitcom.而古装情景喜剧《武林外传》的出现,更是加重了理论界缺乏情景喜剧系统研究的危机。