


美式发音: [ˈdʌllɪ] 英式发音: ['dʌllɪ]









1.迟钝地 downturn n. 低迷时期 dully adv. 迟钝地,单调乏味地 dweller n. 居住者,居民 ...

2.杜利 ... haltingly ad. 迟疑不决地;吞吞吐吐地 dully adv. 钝地, 不清楚地, 迟钝地 encounter v. 遭遇, 遇到, 相遇 ...

4.迟钝的 dusk 黄昏 dully 迟钝的 duly 合适的 ...

5.瑞士 ... stamford, 英国 Dully, 瑞士 Mollymook, 澳大利亚 ...

6.呆头呆脑地 ... dull 呆头呆脑的 dully 呆头呆脑地 flood 洪水 ...


1.Before he died, he was unable to speak but he looked at his son dully with both eyes filled with regret and pity.临死前,他已不能说话了,只是呆滞地望着儿子,眼神里满含着愧疚和怜惜。

2.I wondered dully what on earth I ought to do about her bank books, for she had considerable sums of money in Seattle and in England.对于她的存折,我茫然不知究竟该怎么办,因为她在西雅图和英格兰都有可观的存款。

3.She was aware of me watching her and glanced up. 'It must mean something, ' she said dully.她察觉到我注视的目光,抬起头来。“这一定意味着什么。”她含糊不清地说。

4.You've got to have faith, I said dully.我干巴巴地说,你必须要有信仰。

5.She raised her eyes dully when the doctor came in. She was cowed and broken.医生进去时,她呆呆地抬起了头。她垂头丧气,毫无劲头。

6.She stood by the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a grey fence in a grey fence in a grey backyard.她站在窗口注意到一只灰色的小猫在灰色围墙篱笆周围徘徊。

7.I was hold a cup of hot water and sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the floor silently with my eyes dully fixed for some five minutes.我捧着一杯热水,坐在床沿上,静静地望着地板,眼神仿佛凝固了。

8.She stood by the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a grey fence in a grey backyard.她站到窗前呆望着窗外灰色的院子里一只灰猫走在灰色的篱笆上。

9.She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard.她站在窗户旁边向外看,隐约看到一只灰色的猫在灰色的院子里爬过灰色的栅栏。

10.the concern is only ever for other people, the ignorant masses who dully consume or the innocent teenagers who accidentally encounter porn.他们都只替别人担心,比如无知的民众如何愚蠢地消费或者纯洁的少年如何意外地遭遇了A片。