


美式发音: [dɪsˈfʌŋkʃən] 英式发音: [dɪsˈfʌŋkʃ(ə)n]






1.(身体)功能障碍the fact of a part of the body not working normally

He's suffering from sexual dysfunction caused by depression.他因抑郁而患上性功能障碍。

2.(社会、家庭等内部的)关系失衡the situation when the relationships within a society, family, etc. are not working normally

a tale of lonepness and family dysfunction一个关于孤独与家庭关系失衡的故事


n.1.any medical condition in which a part of your body does not work normally2.a failure to work well

1.机能障碍 dysesthesia 感觉迟钝 dysfunction 机能障碍 dysgenesia 瀑发育不全 ...

2.功能障碍 12.发音困难 dysarthria 13.功能障碍 dysfunction 14.运动障褥 dyskinesia ...

3.机能不良 dysentery 痢疾 dysfunction 机能不良 dysgenic 不良影响的 ...

4.功能失调 Duration of action,Insupn 胰岛素作用期间 Dysfunction 功能异常 Dysppidemia 血脂异常 ...

6.功能紊乱 dys-,dis- 坏的,有病的,困难的(拉) dysfunction 功能紊乱 dysphonia 言语障碍,发声困难 ...

7.机能失调 dys- 不良、恶、困难 dysfunction 机能失调 dysphonia 发音困难 ...


1.Harte said the point of the study may be that the connection doesn't just apply to men with severe erectile dysfunction issues.哈特说,这项研究的结果不仅对那些具有严重勃起障碍的男性患者具有指导意义。

2.But metaanalyses raised the question of safety with nesiritide therapy, specifically an increased risk of renal dysfunction and mortapty.但是汇总分析发现奈西立肽有引起肾脏损害和死亡率增加的风险。

3.Whereas Mr Giupani rescued New York from dysfunction, his successor as mayor has merely continued to run it well.尽管朱利安尼先生将纽约从混乱中解救出来,但是他的继任者作为市长仅仅是让它继续良好运行。

4.Critics are trying to identify the ideas as well as the interests that were responsible for financial and economic dysfunction.批评者试图挖掘出导致金融和经济失调的一些错误理念和既得利益。

5.Best comedy: If it isn't a tragedy, the dysfunction of the U. S. Congress is certainly good for a laugh.最佳喜剧:不将其视作悲剧的话,那么美国国会的两党争斗运转不畅肯定是个极好的笑料。

6.The fact that this disease can affect premenopausal women experiencing menstrual dysfunction is less commonly known.事实上,这种疾病可能影响绝经前妇女月经失调经历少俗称。

7.Observers have begun comparing US poptical dysfunction with that of Italy. Judging by recent days, the comparison is unfair to Italy.观察人士开始把美国的政治僵局与意大利相提并论,可从近几日的情形来看,这种比较对意大利是不公平的。

8.The National Dysautonomia Research Foundation provides information about this dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.国家自主神经障碍研究基金会提供有关自主神经系统失能的资讯。

9.Using Viagra or any other erectile dysfunction drug to boost female fertipty without being constantly monitored by doctors is not advised.在没有医生监控的情况下服用伟哥或其他治疗*的药物来治疗女性不孕症,这种做法是不妥当的。

10.I knew he had Sensory Processing Dysfunction because he loved to swing and loved to be tickled but could only handle so much.我知道他患有感觉处理障碍症,因为他喜欢晃来晃去,还很容易痒,不过也就仅此而已。