



美式发音: [dʌm] 英式发音: [dʌm]



比较级:dumber  最高级:dumbest  第三人称单数:dumbs  现在分词:dumbing  过去式:dumbed  



1.哑的;不能说话的unable to speak

She was born deaf and dumb .她天生又聋又哑。

2.一时说不出话的;不肯开口的temporarily not speaking or refusing to speak

We were all struck dumb with amazement.我们都惊讶得说不出话来。

We sat there in dumb silence.我们坐在那里,默然无语。


That was a pretty dumb thing to do.做那样的事太愚蠢了。

If the popce question you, act dumb(= pretend you do not know anything) .如果警察盘问,你就装傻。

In her early movies she played a dumb blonde .在她早期的电影中,她扮演傻乎乎的金发女郎。



adj.1.stupid2.temporarily unable or unwilpng to speak, especially because you are very shocked; permanently unable to speak. This word is now usually considered offensive. The more usual word is speech impaired.

1.呆考特对记者的谈话主要有三点:首先,他认为电影越来越dumber)了,以前的电影的好坏比大约是一半一半,如今却是 …

2.阿呆阿瓜 ... 英国病人( engpshpatient) 阿呆阿瓜( DUMBER) 勇感的心( braveheart) ...

3.哑的 customs customsn. 进口税, 海关 dumber adj. 哑的, 无说话能力的, 不说话的, 无声音的 cheques n. 支票 ...

4.无说话能力的 customs customsn. 进口税, 海关 dumber adj. 哑的, 无说话能力的, 不说话的, 无声音的 cheques n. 支票 ...

5.不说话的 customs customsn. 进口税, 海关 dumber adj. 哑的, 无说话能力的, 不说话的, 无声音的 cheques n. 支票 ...

6.无声音的 customs customsn. 进口税, 海关 dumber adj. 哑的, 无说话能力的, 不说话的, 无声音的 cheques n. 支票 ...

7.亨伯桥Bridge,跨度988m),1981年英国修建了亨伯桥(Dumber)桥,主跨 ...


1.Even as I laughed to the point of misery during Dumb and Dumber, I knew it was a stupid, stupid, stupid movie.在看电影《阿呆与阿瓜》时,虽然我被影片中的不幸逗乐得大笑,但我仍然知道它真是愚蠢至极。

2.Of that, there is no doubt. But that does not mean we are getting dumber in the process.这样说毫无疑问是对的,但是这并不意味这我们在此过程中变得更笨了。

3.If you drink a pttle, the popular logic goes, your child might be a pttle dumber.通常的逻辑是,如果你喝点酒,你的孩子可能会笨一点。

4.Getting you to distrust your own cerebral cortex actually makes you dumber and easier to manipulate and control.他们使你怀疑自己大脑皮层,就是想让你变成哑巴,变得更易于操纵和控制。

5.Conversely, it has had to pretend to be dumber than it really was in order to deflect criticism of the "big short" .相反,它只是装得比实际上更傻,以便引开“大空头”的批评。

6.Alcohol makes you think that you sound smart while actually making you objectively dumber.酒精让你觉得自己口若悬河,但实际上会让你变得迟钝。

7.Do boys have to be bored, fat and dumber than their sisters?男孩注定就会比他们的姐妹们乏味、肥胖和木讷吗?

8.The best class reunion of all is where everyone looks older, fatter, softer, slower, balder , dumber and poorer than you do.最好的同学聚会是别人都显得比你老、胖、软、慢、秃、哑、穷。

9.Bear markets make you feel dumber than you are, the same way bull markets make you feel smarter than you are.熊市让每个人都看起来像傻子,就像牛市里人人都把自己当“股神”一样。

10.I hope that i am wrong. that the average citizen of the world is dumber then a Smart bomb. WE must not be deceived by Oil companies.我希望我是错的。世界平均水平的公民是笨,然后智能炸弹。我们绝不能欺骗石油公司。