


美式发音: [dʊˈres] 英式发音: [djʊˈres]








1.胁迫;强迫threats or force that are used to make sb do sth

He signed the confession under duress .他被迫在供状上签了字。



n.1.force or threats that make someone do something they do not want to

na.1.The variant of duresse

1.胁迫 欺诈 fraud 胁迫 duress 乘人之危 taking advantage of others' precarious position ...

2.强制 Stone 石块 Duress 强制 40% 快速恢复打击 Prudence 谨慎 ...

3.强迫 perdure v 持久;永存 duress n 强迫;束缚 dour a 性情冷酷的 ...

4.监禁 dubious adj 可疑的 不确定的 duress n 强迫 监禁 edifice n 大厦 大建筑物 ...

5.逼从 瑞莫斯之牙, Tooth of Ramos 3 逼从, Duress 4 净化之缄印, Seal of Cleansing 1 ...

6.胁迫行为 ... V. Fraud( 欺诈行为) VI. Duress胁迫行为) I. Remedies for Breach of Contract( 违反合同的 …

7.束缚 perdure v 持久;永存 duress n 强迫;束缚 dour a 性情冷酷的 ...

8.威胁 5. syllabus 教学大纲 7. duress 威胁,逼迫 8. stack 堆,垛 ...


1.You might argue, "That was a promise made under duress. Besides, no one was there to hear the vow, so it didn't really count, right? "你可能替自己辩护说:「我当初作这个承诺是为势所迫,何况当时没有人听见我起誓,所以,不能当真吧?」

2.Generally speaking, you have to prove you signed it under duress, or that you were a victim of fraud or incomplete disclosure.一般来讲,你需要证明你是在受到胁迫的情况下签署协议的,或者你遭遇了欺骗和隐瞒,跟别的女人调情不算在内。

3.The credibipty of intelpgence obtained under duress is always doubtful: tortured terrorists will say anything.逼供逼出的情报可信度总是值得怀疑,因为受到折磨的恐怖分子什么话都会说。

4.Under duress from the Inquisition in 1633, Gapleo recanted his theory that the earth revolves around the sun.一六三三年,伽利略在宗教裁判所的威逼之下,宣布放弃自己的地动论。

5.Now I cannot help but suspect that those customers had the same experience as mine and left positive comments under duress.现在我不禁地怀疑那些买家有着和我同样的经历,被迫留下了好的评价。

6.However , a threat to bring a civil lawsuit does not constitute duress unless such a suit is frivolous or brought in bad faith.那么即使犯罪诉讼是有根据的,但除非这恐吓是轻佻或欺诈则不构成恐吓。

7.Even under duress, you can't know which one she's giving you and there would be no point in second attempt.就算威胁她也不知道她给的是哪一个而机会只有一次

8.Wills shall manifest the genuine intention of the testators; those made under duress or AS a result of fraud shall be void.遗嘱必须表示遗嘱人的真实意思,受胁迫、欺骗所立的遗嘱无效。

9.A young neo-Nazi couple has been convicted of those murders, despite allegations of a confession made under duress.一对年轻的新纳粹夫妇被判犯有这两起谋杀罪,尽管他们辩称是在胁迫下作出有罪供述的。

10.Duress, however, seems to make people dig in their heels.然而,强迫似乎会让自己遭到别人的拒绝。