


美式发音: [tʊˌbɜrkjəˈloʊsɪs] 英式发音: [tjuːˌbɜː(r)kjʊˈləʊsɪs]





1.结核病a serious infectious disease in which swelpngs appear on the lungs and other parts of the body


n.1.a serious infectious disease affecting your lungs

1.结核病 肾小球肾炎( glomerulonephritis) 结核病( tuberculosis) 病毒性肝炎( viral hepatitis) ...

2.肺结核 tubeless 无内胎的 tuberculosis 肺结核 bumultuous 喧哗的 ...

3.肺痨 肺结核[ pulmonary tuberculosis] 肺痨[ tuberculosis] 肺水肿[ pulmonary edema] ...

4.肺结核病 Tsuen Wan 荃湾 tuberculosis 肺结核病, 肺痨, 肺病 tuberculosis 肺结核病 ...


7.结核菌感染.81 CSF otorrhea 388.61 结核菌感染(Tuberculosis ) 010~018 结核病编码之第五位码是用来描述结核病之 诊断依据(生化、 …


1.Comment: Tuberculosis is transmitted most efficiently by an infected individual with a pulmonary cavity and a cough.评论:结核病通过患肺空洞型结核的感染患者及咳嗽进行传播的效率最高。

2.This is why the chest radiograph with tuberculosis or other granulomatous diseases is often described as "reticulonodular" .这也是肺结核病或其它肉芽肿疾病胸部X线检查被描述为网织结节状的原因。

3.We were to tell anyone who asked why she was in Fairfield Hospital that she had come down with tuberculosis.我们要告诉那些问她为什么要住进美田医院的人说她患了结核病。

4.The infectious nature of tuberculosis also prompted the building of sanitariums , where people could be isolated and treated.结核的传染性也促成了疗养院的建成,因为在那里人们才可以被隔离治疗。

5.Blowing clarinet pke a tuberculosis patient looked away as the wind changed tone?吹单簧管就像个肺痨患者一样四下走风变音?

6.Up in the early diagnosis, what kind of inspection required to identify patients suffering from tuberculosis?在早期诊断上,需要什么样的检查确定患者患有结核病?

7.Pulmonary tuberculosis was easy to be diagnosed by its typical symptom and physical sign.肺结核由于具有比较典型的症状、征而较易诊断。

8.In his teens, he lost his father to tuberculosis and had to drop out of school, which he never formally finished.他十几岁时,因父亲患肺结核去世而不得不辍学,并且至今都未正式完成学业。

9.Prior to a prisoner suffering from tuberculosis was transferred to another prison, they sent back a few days later, did not get treatment.此前一名患有结核病的犯人被转移到另一个监狱,几天以后又被送回来,没有得到治疗。

10.Translator's note: At the time this was written, Mr. Bastiat knew that he was dying of tuberculosis. Within a year, he was dead.译者注:在写这些的时候,巴斯夏知道他正在死于肺结核。在一年之内,你就去逝了。