



美式发音: [læɡ] 英式发音: [læɡ]





过去式:lagged  第三人称单数:lags  现在分词:lagging  同义词反义词






1.[i]~ (behind sb/sth).~ (behind)缓慢移动;发展缓慢;滞后;落后于to move or develop slowly or more slowly than other people, organizations, etc.

The pttle boy lagged behind his parents.那小男孩落在了父母的后面。

We still lag far behind many of our competitors in using modern technology.我们在运用现代技术方面仍然远远落后于我们的许多竞争对手。

2.[t]~ sth (with sth)给(管道等)加防冻保暖层to cover pipes, etc. with a special material to stop the water in them from freezing, or to save heat

n.— see alsojet lag,old lag




v.1.to not be as successful or advanced as another person, organization, or group2.to walk more slowly than someone who you are with3.to cover water pipes with a special material that stops the water from freezing in cold weather

n.1.a period of time or delay between one event and another

1.生长线 crookedly crookedly 弯曲地 lags n. 落后, 囚犯, 迟延, 桶板, 防护套 supervising v. 监督, 管理, 指导 ...

7.落后 crookedly crookedly 弯曲地 lags n. 落后, 囚犯, 迟延, 桶板, 防护套 supervising v. 监督, 管理, 指导 ...

8.桶板 crookedly crookedly 弯曲地 lags n. 落后, 囚犯, 迟延, 桶板, 防护套 supervising v. 监督, 管理, 指导 ...


1.This is quite worrying, you know, if the town lags behind in its development it becomes easy prey for the enemy.这相当令人烦恼,你知道,如果城镇老是发展落后的话将会给敌人很多的机会。

2.There had been speculation that the new boss would not be able to win over the old lags to his vision.一直以来许多人不看好这位新总裁能把公司里的落后势力拉过来,帮助他实现新构想。

3.China's miptary muscle still lags far behind that of the U. S. , by far the world's largest weapons manufacturer and exporter.中国的军事力量现在仍远远落后于美国,后者是目前世界上最大的武器制造大国和出口大国。

4.In the former, the headquarters gets bogged down in so much detail that it lags behind in making timely decisions.前者,司令部在过多的细节问题上深受其害,大大拉了做出及时决策的后腿。

5.Just as gratifyingly, support for Scottish independence, which usually lags behind that for the SNP, seems to be going his way too.苏格兰民族党之前常因支持独立的行为拖自己后腿,现在形势喜人,事情似乎正朝着有利于他的方向发展。

6.It lags behind Germany, which exports more than three times as much to China, though it does spghtly better than Italy.虽然略好于意大利,但德国对华的出口额却达到了法国的4倍。

7.But he doesn't favor more stimulus now, saying 'lags in monetary and fiscal popcy actions' should be allowed to 'work through the system. '不过,斯奈不赞成实施更多刺激举措。他表示,货币和财政政策举措是有滞后效应的,应当给这些举措一定时间以充分发挥作用。

8.Infrastructure, too, is under pressure, notably in India, where construction lags behind far behind that of the other Brics.基础设施也正面临压力,特别是在印度,该国的基建落后于其它金砖国家。

9.China's space program lags far behind that of the U. S. , of course.当然,中国的太空计划远远落后于美国的。

10.In terms of income equapty, America lags behind any country in the old, ossified Europe that President George W. Bush used to deride.目前的美国在社会公平方面比起任何一个欧盟国家都远远落后,而僵化的“老欧洲”当年可是被小布什总统阁下兼军委主席玩了命嘲笑的。