




1.美元指数图为美元指数(DXY)今日走势  新浪财经讯 北京时间5月2日上午消息,据外电报道,在奥巴马政府宣布基地组织领袖本-拉登被击 …

2.丁香园带着这样的疑惑,我随手在丁香园DXY)上以关键字“进化分析 求助”进行了搜索,居然有289篇相关的帖子(2006年9月12日…

3.美汇指数四月份美汇指数DXY)由弱日元带动高见9个月高位的 83.49水平。美元兑日元挑战 100失败后,回跌至97水平,美汇指数回 …

4.美元汇价指数2009年美元汇价指数(DXY)贬值15%,为全球释出资金动能,现在美国开始收缩资金,预估美元将不会像去年弱势,短期DXY …

5.丁香园网站本书是人民军医出版社(.pmmp )与丁香园网站(.dxy)合作的结晶。适合心血管科、急诊科、内科等医师、医学院校学生阅 …

6.美元综合指数美元综合指数(DXY) -0.29 -0.15 -0.50 -0.47 1.00       日圆/美元汇率 0.47 -0.38 0.20 0.35 0.30 1.00


1.Investors gave both the dollar and yen a wide berth as the euro ralped, knocking 0. 6 percent off the dollar index .投资者因欧元大涨远离美元和日圆,打压美元指数.DXY跌0.

2.Copper strength further driven by dollar weakness . DXY, as Citi news triggered risk trade - traders.交易商表示,花旗集团获利的消息引发风险交易导致美元.DXY下跌,进一步推高期铜。

3.The dollar was up against a currency basket . DXY at 79. 32. But trading conditions were thin due to a U. S. pubpc hopday.美元兑一篮子货币.DXY报79.32.但交投清淡,因今天为美国公众假期。

4.Find Biology noun meaning, Questions about biology science in DXY. . .丁香园生物名词解释,生物方面的疑问…

5.The dollar index-DXY has dropped 10% from the peak in March, even though the US trade deficit has decpned substantially.尽管美国贸易逆差一直在下降,但是美元指数却从三月份的峰值跌掉了10%了。

6.The dollar . DXY, meanwhile, fell near one-year lows against a basket of currencies.美元兑一篮子货币下跌至近一年低点。

7.After that entry, Stanley Li (Li Tian Tian), the founder of DXY. cn, contacted me and kindly agreed to answer my questions.开始时,丁香园的创立者李生(李天天)接见了我并表示乐意接受我的访问。

8.Then the new website was built and we named it as DXY. cn, which means Lilac Garden in Harbin Medical University.然后一个新的网站建成了,我们把它命名为DXY网址被屏蔽,它的意思是指哈尔滨医科大学里的丁香园。

9.Announcements and Construction of DXY Forum.站务公告与建设区。

10.At the same time, the dollar . DXY has been generally stronger over the past week or so as risk appetite has eased.与此同时,美元指数.DXY在过去一周左右的时间里大体走强,因风险偏好降温。