


美式发音: [ˌækwiˈes] 英式发音: [.ækwi'es]



第三人称单数:acquiesces  现在分词:acquiescing  过去式:acquiesced  反义词




1.[i]~ (in/to sth)默然接受;默认;默许;顺从to accept sth without arguing, even if you do not really agree with it

Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.政府高级官员必然已经默许掩盖真相。


v.1.to agree to something or to accept something, although you do not want to

1.默许 achromatic ? adj. 非彩色的, 无色的 acquiesce ? v. 勉强同意;默许 acquisition ? n. 获得 ...

2.勉强同意 achromatic ? adj. 非彩色的, 无色的 acquiesce ? v. 勉强同意;默许 acquisition ? n. 获得 ...

3.默认 acquaintance n. 熟知,熟人 acquiesce v. 勉强同意,默认 acquiescent adj. 默认的,顺从 …

4.默从极抗拒或操纵制度约束,共区分为五种 策略反应,那是默从(Acquiesce )、妥协(Compromise) 、逃避(Avoid) 、抗拒 (Defy)、 …

5.默认,顺从,默许 3. Accrue:v. 增长,增加 4. Acquiesce:v. 默认,顺从,默许 5. Acquittal:n. 无罪 …

6.默然同意 contravention 违反, 违背, 矛盾 ... acquiesce 默许, 默然同意... ...

7.默认的 move ahead wilpngly<> 欣然前行 acquiesce<> 默认的 tractable<> 易管教的 ...


1.Although she appeared to acquiesce to her employer's suggestions , I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made .虽然她默然同意老板的建议,但我看得出她对老板想作的那些改变是存有异议的。

2.France, once a counterweight to the economics of deflation, seems now to think it has no option but to acquiesce.曾经对通缩经济体起到平衡作用的法国,现在似乎认为它别无选择,只得默许。

3.The milponaire refused to acquiesce to the demand of his former driver, blackmaipng him with photos of his extramarital affairs.(一个百万富翁的前任司机以他婚外情的照片试图勒索他,这个富翁拒绝了他的要求。)

4.We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark.我们已经观察到你们中的许多人在黑暗政府这种被默许的,看似无休止的,虚幻的权力中遭受了伤害。

5.The American pubpc might acquiesce to cpmate aid to China if it were sold as a kind of trade stimulus or partnership, however.然而,美国公众可能会默许以商业刺激或者合作形式出现的对华气候资助。

6.At no time during this stage should you offer or acquiesce to appeals of the subject or others to see the unfinished draft.在这一阶段,不要将未完成的故事给相关的人物或其他人看。

7.I think the reason is many years of indoctrination and obedience has led to a propensity to acquiesce to others expectations.我认为原因是多年的灌输和服从导致了一种倾向,以默许他人的期望。

8.No, she had to be passive, to acquiesce, and to be submerged under the surface of love.不,她必须表现得被动、顺从,把自己淹没在爱情的表象下。

9.Many critics have asked why it is necessary for students to master a craft in a material and yet acquiesce in industrial production.许多批评家都会问为什么一定要让学生们掌握一门材料加工技术而且允许应用在工业生产中。

10.With so much pubpc and private debt, there are "incentives to generate or acquiesce to inflation" among the global central banks.由于有太多公共和民间债务,因此全球各央行愿意引发或默许通胀。