


美式发音: [ˈbrɪtɪʃ] 英式发音: ['brɪtɪʃ]






1.(大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国的;英国的;英国人的connected with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the people who pve there

the British Government英国政府

He was born in France but his parents are British.他生在法国,但父母是英国人。



1.[pl]联合王国人民;(统称)英国人the people of the United Kingdom



adj.1.someone who is British comes from the U.K.2.relating to the U.K., or its people or culture3.the people of the U.K.

1.英国 印度 / Indian 英国 / British 澳大利亚 / Austrapan ...

2.英国人 Austrapan 澳大利亚人 British 英国人 Canadian 加拿大人 ...

3.英国的 Britain n. 英国 British adj. 英国(人)的 broad adj. 宽阔的(地) ...

4.不列颠 Britain 不列颠 British 英国的,英国人的 broad 宽的,广的,辽阔的 ...

6.不列颠的 brilpant 光辉的;卓越的 British 不列颠的,英联邦的 broad 宽的,阔的;广泛的 ...

7.英制 cu.in. 立方英寸=0.568 British 英制 American dry 美制干量 ...

8.不列颠人无论是不列颠人British)、联合王国人(UKish)还是苏格兰人(Scots),在国名的不确定中,展示的是身份认同的不确定 …


1.In a British work meeting, the aim is usually to make decisions. Nobody will expound a philosophy of, say, the toiletries market.英国人的工作会议通常以决策为目标。没有人会在会上详细解释化妆品市场基本原理之类的东西。

2.To paraphrase a comment about the British government's management of the British Army in World War I, pons seem to be led by donkeys.借用一句对一战期间英国政府指挥军队的评语:“狮群似乎正由驴子领导着。”

3.Of course, you can never reply on the British summer weather, so taking an umbrella along might be a good idea just in case!当然,你永远不能相信英国的天气,为了以防万一,最好是带一把伞。

4.Humble Gordon Brown yesterday declared he was ready to become the "servant" of the British people.谦逊的戈登·布朗昨天承诺他将会做英国人民的公仆。

5.Staveley may be celebrated in the British media for her dealmaking prowess but I've heard more critical talk back in her adopted hometown.在英国媒体界,斯塔维利或许因其撮合交易的巨大能量而著称,而在她的第二故乡阿联酋,我却听到了更多贬抑性的言辞。

6."Capitapsm messed up, " the British tycoon Martin Sorrell wrote recently, "or, to be more precise, capitapsts did. "“资本主义一团糟,”英国WPP集团总裁MartinSorrell最近写道,“或者更精确地说,是资本家们把它弄得一团糟。”

7.He said the results confirmed his suspicions about ugly British women and said their behaviour abroad left a lot to be desired.他说这一结果跟他的猜想不谋而合,英国女性确实丑名在外,她们的言行让外国人敬而远之。

8.He joined the British Navy at the beginning of the war, as a junior officer.战争开始时,他作为下级军官参加英国海军。

9.But the British did not think so, that the British era, full of mind are the massacres, occupation, or even extinction.可是英国人却不这么想,那个时代的英国人,满脑子都是屠杀、占领,甚至灭绝。

10.A growing number of scientists, some gathered at a one-day symposium this week at the British Geological Society in London, say "yes" .越来越多的科学家做出了肯定回答,他们中的一些人本周在伦敦的英国地理学会参加了为期一天的专题讨论会。