




1.拆箱 Tuple — 元组 Unboxing取消装箱 Unmanaged Code — 非托管代码 ...




1.It is possible to convert a value type to a reference type, and back again to a value type, by using boxing and unboxing.通过装箱和取消装箱,可以将值类型转换为引用类型,然后再转换回值类型。

2.What we'd really pke to see would be automatic boxing and unboxing of primitive types, similar to what is done in C# (except better).我们真正想看到的是,基本类型可以自动进行包装(boxing)和解包装(unboxing),类似于用C#所进行的操作(或者比后者更好)。

3.To int. This example shows both boxing and unboxing. When a variable of a value class.以上例子展示了装箱和拆箱两种概念。当一个对象里面。

4.Generic types allow for the reuse of code and enhanced performance for collection classes (due to boxing and unboxing issues).泛型可以提高集合类的代码重用性和执行效率(由于装箱和坼箱操作消耗时间的内存)。

5.Whether it's the baby's first steps or an unboxing of a new geek toy, Qik is the video equivalent of a text service pke Twitter.不管它是否仅是婴儿迈出的第一步还是新酷玩拆箱,Qik都是等同于类似Twitter那样的文本服务的视频。

6.Similarly, when an object is cast to a value type, the compiler performs the unboxing, extracting the value type from the object wrapping.同样,当一个对象被强制转换为值类型时,编译器执行取消装箱,从对象包装中提取值类型。

7.Operator only considers reference conversions, boxing conversions, and unboxing conversions.运算符只考虑引用转换、装箱转换和取消装箱转换。

8.also , boxing and unboxing do not support pointers.此外,装箱和取消装箱不支持指针。

9.Such boxing and unboxing operations add performance overhead since they involve dynamic memory allocations and run-time type checks.当他们处于动态内存分配和运行时类型检查,装箱拆箱操作将增加性能消耗。

10.Otherwise, if the operand is of compile-time type Long, Float, or Double it is subjected to unboxing conversion.否则,如果操作数的编译时类型是Long、Float或者Double,会经过拆箱转换。