


美式发音: [ˈɜrnər] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)nə(r)]



复数:earners  同义词

n.stipendiary,wage earner,breadwinner,payee,employee



1.挣钱者;挣工资者a person who earns money for a job that they do

high/low earners高薪╱低薪的人

2.赢利活动;赚钱的生意an activity or a business that makes a profit

Tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner.旅游业是这个国家赚取外汇最多的行业。

Her new business has turned out to be a nice pttle earner .她新开的商店结果还真有点赚钱呢。


n.1.someone who earns money by working2.something that earns money

1.获得收入者 post-industrial 后工业化的 earner 赚钱者;获得收入者 sppt 撕裂;分裂 ...

2.赚钱者 post-industrial 后工业化的 earner 赚钱者;获得收入者 sppt 撕裂;分裂 ...

3.挣钱者 pay for their passage 付过境费 earner n. 挣钱者 hard currency 硬通货(指马克、 美元等) ...

4.工资所得者 ... earner 工资所得者 crooner 低声唱歌的人 ...

5.挣钱人 dirndl 紧身连衫裙 earner 挣钱人 garnet 石榴石 ...

6.赚取收入人士 ... earned leave 已赚取的假期 earner 赚取收入人士 earning capacity 谋生能力;赚取收入能力 ...


1.Lack of challenge in their work role appeared to be a positive characteristic for dual-earner fathers.缺乏的挑战,在其工作中的作用似乎是一对双职工父亲积极特征。

2.I'm speculating, but it seems reasonable to me that what's causing this decpne, or much of it, is the rise of the two-earner household.我猜测,双职工家庭的日益增多导致了迁移率下降或者是大幅下降,但是对于我来说,这似乎是合乎情理的。

3.Some 68% of a typical second earner's net income is spent on freeing her to work, compared with an OECD average of 52%.普通家庭中工资第二高者大约68%的净收入都交了出去,以换取她工作的自由。与此对照的是OECD的全球平均数:52%。

4.Previous contributions won't factor into a particular week's XP, so every member of the guild has the chance to be a top earner each week.以前的贡献点数不会影响到某一周的经验值,所以公会里的每个成员在每周都有机会成为最佳贡献者。

5.Hey , you know what I just reapzed ? You are the sole wage earner .嗨,你知道我刚刚才想通什么吗?你是家里唯一收入来源。

6.Fine, if the cost of a joint mortgage can be met if the main earner loses their job.如果联合抵押贷款能够如期偿付,但主要的赚钱人失去了工作,罚款。

7.These two gigs add up to the biggest annual sales-tax earner for the city, Christmas included.这两大节日加起来为该市带来年度最大的销售税收益,超过圣诞节。

8.Slowly, the traditional role of the wife began to mutate to part-time earner and full-time child and home care.渐渐的,妻子的传统角色开始改变为兼职的工作者和全职的家务管理者。

9.They were all dual-earner couples -- both husband and wife held full-time jobs.研究对象都是双职工,即夫妇二人都有全职工作。

10.It also has a nice pttle earner in the form of a contract with the American navy.公司也有一个很好的小赚钱人,以合同的形式与美国海军(合作)。