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1.史蒂夫身高大约5.7英尺(170 厘米),他的同事称他为史蒂维Stevie)──与《欢乐单身派对》(Seinfeld)中的乔治·科斯坦萨的 …

3.史帝夫 死亡地带 The Dead Zone 史帝夫 Stevie 强词 The Hard Word ...


5.史蒂芬 查理·纳什 Charpe Nash 史蒂威 Stevie 罗尼·雷诺 Ronnie Reno ...

7.史提夫史提夫Stevie) PUA“我将感激输入”http://pua.zap.to很多次当我无法决定我该使用什么样的开场白时就老用这招:就站在那 …



1.The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer. For them , stevie was a real find.唱片公司从未对任何歌手这样满意过。对他们来说,史蒂威旺达确实是个难得的人才。

2.Stevie has grown into a fine young man, getting ready to go to college.史蒂夫已经长成了一位漂亮的小伙子,准备上大学了。

3.JC: For me, I used to say Stevie was the best player who's played for the club, but I can't say that now because Kenny is the manager!卡拉格:对我来说,我习惯说史蒂文是为这家俱乐部效力过的最好的球员,但我现在不能这样说了,因为肯尼是主教练!

4."It was a great goal from Stevie, typical of him really, " Carragher told Liverpoolfc. tv.“来自于史蒂芬的进球太漂亮了,这是他典型的进球,”卡拉格在接受官网采访时表示道。

5.Eddie started to pne up to jump when Stevie pushed me in the middle and told me to do it.埃迪格排队准备跳的时候,斯蒂夫会把我推到中间,让我也做。

6."To be honest there's not much more I can say about Stevie that hasn't already been said, " he said.“我想关于杰拉德,我无需再为他的成就多加赘述些什么,”卡拉格表示。

7."It is very difficult to stop Stevie when he is at his best but we have to remember who we are up against, " said the Reds manager.“当他在处在他最佳状态是,谁也阻挡不了他。但是我们必须记住,到底谁是我们的对手。”球队经理说。

8.We're fortunate in this era to have a lot of good players and Stevie is at the top of that tree.我们很幸运,能在这个年代有这么多出色的球员,而拉德则是最出色的。

9.After graduation, she met one of her musical idols, Stevie Nicks, who encouraged her to pursue music and move to Nashville, Tennessee.毕业之后,她遇到了她的音乐偶像史蒂薇•妮克丝。在史蒂薇•妮克丝的鼓励下,她坚持着自己对音乐的追求,并搬到了田纳西州纳什维尔居住。

10.If I ever caught her with Stevie PI'd throw her back in the Penitentiary, now.如果我赶上了她史蒂维P我扔在监狱她回来,现在。