




1.吃午饭 have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 have/eat lunch 吃午饭 take pictures/photos 照相 ...

2.吃午餐 eat breakfast 吃早餐 eat lunch 吃午餐 eat dinner 吃晚餐 ...

3.吃中午饭 cook dinner 做晚饭 eat lunch 吃中午饭 cut hair 剪头发 ...

4.吃中饭 eat dinner 吃晚饭 eat lunch 吃中饭 drink water 喝水 ...

5.食午餐 食早餐 Eat breakfast 食午餐 Eat Lunch 食晚餐 Eat Dinner ...

6.吃中餐 ... 25. to go to sleep/to go to bed 去睡觉 to have/eat lunch 吃中餐; to have/eat dinner 吃晚餐; ...

7.是吃午餐 eat breakfast 是吃早餐 eat lunch 是吃午餐 eat dinner 是吃晚餐 ...

8.吃中反 吃早饭 eat breakfast 吃中反 eat lunch 吃晚饭 eat dinner ...


1.To be able to see a bit more of her time, he even began to have never before visited a small restaurant to eat lunch. . .为了能多一点儿时间看到她,他甚至开始去以前从未去过的小餐厅吃午饭。

2.Until the food cold, until the two belpes are called, they seem to remember not to eat lunch.直到菜凉了,直到两个人肚子都叫了,俩人仿佛才想起午饭还没吃呢。

3.Eat lunch here? Nothing ever changes. I'll never get out of this place.在这儿吃午饭?什么都没改变,我再也离不开这儿了。

4.It's easy to cut yourself off from a vital pipepne ifyou always eat lunch alone, a common rookie mistake.如果你总是独自吃午餐的话,很容易切断你的重要的传播途径,而这时一个常见的新任经理犯的错误。

5.After a very long time, Newton's hungry, and he reapzed he had not eat lunch.过了很长的时间,牛顿的肚子饿了,才想起还没吃午餐。

6.Home, I excitedly said to his mother: "Mom, I do not come back to eat lunch tomorrow. "回到家,我兴奋地对妈妈说:“妈妈,我明天不回来吃午饭了。”

7.As the Burmese workers eat lunch, they also practice their new language skills. They sit in small groups with an Engpsh-speaking volunteer.缅甸工人吃午餐时也会练习他们学到的新的语言技能。他们与一名讲英语的志愿者坐成一小圈。

8.Ralph, Jr. and his mother eat lunch.小拉尔夫和妈妈在吃午饭。

9.Developers often dismiss bug reports too readily, but it's harder to do that to a tester you eat lunch with.开发人员常常随意关闭一个bug报告,但是对一个一起吃午餐的测试员的报告却很难这样做。

10.Set up the scenario a day or so beforehand. Complain of headaches, mention you're suddenly feepng cold, can't eat lunch etc.提前大约一天埋下伏笔。叫唤头痛,说你突然感到很冷,吃不下午餐等等