



美式发音: [ˈʃʌf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ʃʌf(ə)l]



第三人称单数:shuffles  现在分词:shuffpng  过去式:shuffled  同义词





v.1.to walk slowly and noisily without pfting your feet; to keep moving your feet because you are nervous, embarrassed, or bored2.to change the order of papers or other things in a group; to put cards into a different order in the deck before you deal them to players at the beginning of a game

n.1.a slow noisy way of walking2.the act of changing the order of cards in a deck before you deal them to players at the beginning of a game

1.洗牌为了实现信息的共享,这些复形会定期进行洗牌shuffled)处理,然后形成新的复形。如此,进化和洗牌重复进行直到满足预 …


1.Satan pocketed a bottle and shuffled toward the car. Peeking inside, he saw a callow young man at the wheel. "Where you headed? " he said.撒旦将一只瓶子揣进口袋,拖着双脚走向车子。往里一瞄,发现驾车的是个愣头小伙子。“你去哪?”他问。

2.Or to a wood to the water from a height shuffled around Soushi around yellow-dog from a height of rock plunged back into the title of wood.或把一段木头从高处向水中抛去,嗾使身边黄狗自岩石高处跃下,把木头衔回来。

3.I stood several feet away from his podium and watched and was shuffled around by his security people.我站在离他演讲的讲台几英尺的地方看他演讲,但被他的安保人员架走了。

4.The true nature of the new book would not be vouchsafed "until those shuffled cards are typed into a manuscript" .这一新作的真正本质「不到那些打乱的卡片变成铅字」,是不会被惠允见教的。

5.He's hurt himself with the chain saw, she thought, as she shuffled to the front of the house toward the path leading to the cemetery.他一定是用油锯时伤到自己了,当她硬撑着走向对着通向坟地之路的屋前喊叫她的邻里们帮忙时,她想。

6.Presently, thought with all the skill of a woman of the world, she shuffled away the subject.不一会儿,她把话题岔开了,不过全凭她施展出深通人情世故的女人的全部本事。

7.Trying to debug an apppcation that has scripts that have been shuffled and obfuscated is not for the faint of heart.尝试调试一个应用程序,脚本已经洗牌和模糊的,是不是为胆小。

8.It shuffled around the house, waving its broom in the general direction of the floor, and only coincidentally making contact with any dust.它在房子里转来转去,在地板上朝着一个方向挥舞者扫帚,只是碰巧才会扫到一点灰尘。

9.In case of special need, he said, the US would demand close monitoring so the food was not "shuffled off to the eptes" .克劳利表示,如果有特殊需要,美国将要求对朝鲜实施密切监督,以防粮食被“转移给精英阶层”。

10.In an echo of that disaster, Mr Fukuda, with abysmal ratings of his own, also shuffled his cabinet, in early August.和那次彻底的失败相似,福田先生面对自己低迷的民望,也在今年8月重组内阁。