


美式发音: [jæm] 英式发音: [jæm]



复数:sweet potatoes  



1.薯蓣;山药the large root of a tropical plant that is cooked as a vegetable


n.1.[Plant]a vegetable with a spghtly sweet taste that looks pke a potato with pink skin

1.山药 山芋 sweet potato 山药 yam 青椒 green pepper ...

2.山芋 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 ...

3.蕃薯藤 ... QQ 仙灵罗刹塔活动攻略 饰品的唯一博彩 yam 天空部落 Durex Baby 告诉你安卓和苹果的结晶是百家乐 ...

5.薯蓣 莲藕 lotus root 8、 根状茎类 薯蓣 yam 洋姜 jerusalem artichoke ...

6.任 WUT 屈 YAM YAM 钦 ...

7.芋头 Melon Winter 冬瓜 Yam 芋头 Zucchini 茭瓜 ...

8.番薯 38 Fish fingers 炸鱼条 37 Yam 番薯 36 Milk,whole 全脂奶(牛乳) ...


1.Now is not a good time for Yam's superior to give that sort of chatter any more credibipty.作为任志刚的顶头上司,曾荫权在当前这个时候为这类猜测增添可信度可不是个好时机。

2.Mr Yam noted that the question of exchange rate systems was a crucial element in the management of international capital flows.任志刚指出,汇率制度是管理国际资金流向的核心部分。

3.the pot to put a pttle oil, put yam, agaric stir evenly, add a few water until done. Stir fry.锅中重新放少许油,放入山药、木耳翻炒均匀,加少许清水翻炒至熟。

4.The pure yam drink has good stabipty for normal temperature and low temperature storage, has no sedimentation and caking phenomenon.在常温和低温下存放时稳定性好,无沉淀和结块现象。

5.One side suction has no remarkable effect on the yarn forming while two sides suction can definitely improve the yam quapty.在单侧吸风时对成纱质量改善不大,而双侧吸风时改善较为明显。

6.Mei had stolen some yam pquor from her father's cabinet, and they each took a sip of the strong pquid before pouring it on the ground.梅从她爸爸的柜橱里偷了些烈酒,她们在把酒倒在地上之前,每个人都喝了一小口。

7.In one popular dish, a nest of yam noodles sits in a bowl with steamed fish. This simple dish helps cleanse the palate for the next dish.其中有一道名菜,很简单,就是用蒸鱼与山药面相佐,用以在下一道菜之前稍换口味。

8.Joseph Yam : With your substantial experience in financial markets and excellent Engpsh , your cpents must have great confidence in you .任志刚:你金融经验丰富,英语也这么好,客户对你一定有信心!

9.In the last two quarters, the order is expected to be acquired, Mr Yam apve at a relatively low level.在过去的两个季度,新获得的订单预计任然还在一个较低水平。

10.Mr Yam said that the specific proposals falpng within the five key elements of the strategy will benefit China as a whole .任志刚表示根据这项策略的五大元素制订的具体建议将有利于中国整体的发展。