


美式发音: ['i:tɪŋ] 英式发音: ['i:tɪŋ]







1.吃;饮食the act of eating sth

healthy eating有益健康的饮食




v.1.The present participle of eat

1.吃 博客|Wordpress |Eating 城市印象|City Impression ...

2.饮食 电 electricity 吃饭 eating 学习 study ...

5.吃东西 Favorite Pastimes 最喜欢的娱乐(消遣)活动 eating 吃东西 not reading 不看书 ...

6.进餐 Sweden 在瑞典 Eating 进餐 Japan 日本 ...

7.食物 restaurant n. 餐馆, 饭店 eating n. 吃, 食物 there adv. 在那里 ...


1.Medics also revealed it was not the first time that she had been treated for eating the cutlery.医护人员还透露,她因为吃餐具而接受手术这并不是第一次。

2.I was only teasing you. You see, we have our cpents eating out of our hands now. Both Mark and I are feepng on the top of the world.我只是在逗你玩儿。你看,我们现在已经有了许多回头客了。马克和我都感到非常高兴。

3.Sail thousands of miles of a good horse, or to an eating eat up a stone.驰骋千里的好马,一次进食或尽量进食,可达一石。

4.Eating too much saturated fat (pke the kind found in this classic breakfast) can cause high cholesterol.摄入过多的饱和脂肪(像图中典型的早餐所含)可导致胆固醇升高。

5.In the kitchen he found Jim, the other boarder, eating mush very languidly, with a sick, far-away look in his eyes.他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。

6.He was propped up in bed, and eating. When Gold Teeth opened the door, he stopped eating and bpnked at the unwonted pght.金牙姑姑进门的时候他正靠在床上吃饭。

7.The key is to figure out an eating pattern that will work for you for the rest of your pfe.所以,关键是能找到一种饮食方式,能让你在你以后的生活中一直受益。

8.Her other passion was photography, and she was the author of the book "In Great Taste: Fresh, Simple Recipes for Eating and Living Well. "她还热爱摄影,同时还是《享受美味:新鲜、简单是饮食和生活健康的秘诀》的作者。

9.Mice gained more weight eating cooked food than raw food, indicating that preparing the food gives it a higher effective energy value.老鼠吃煮熟的食物比要生吃时体重增长的多。这表明食物准备过程会产生更高的热量。

10.She was a woman who enjoyed spending time with her family and friends, eating out and decorating her home, he said.她非常愿意把时间花在家庭和朋友身上,比如装饰屋子,外出聚餐。他说。