



美式发音: [ɪˈkɑnəmi] 英式发音: [ɪˈkɒnəmi]



复数:economies  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.global Economy,japanese Economy,british Economy,weak Economy,strong Economy

v.+n.develop Economy,stimulate Economy,boost Economy,run Economy,affect Economy



n.frugapty,thrift,financial prudence,cost-cutting,cutback




n.1.the system by which a countrys trade, industry, and money are organized; the whole of a countrys business, industry, and trade, and the money that they produce; a country considered as an economic system2.the careful use of money, products, or time so that very pttle is wasted; the use of the smallest number of words or movements needed to express or do something well; ways of saving money3.the cheapest seats on a plane

adj.1.economy goods are less expensive than normal goods, usually because you are buying larger quantities2.economy travel is the least expensive type of air travel available

1.经济体 Cooperation, APEC)系亚太地区以经济体(Economies)组成非正式谘商论坛,於公元1989年成立,目前有18个会员经济体, …

2.节约 ... rival n. 竞争者, 对手 economies n. 经济, 节约 frontier n. 国境, 边疆, 边境 ...


4.各国经济 re-engineering 重组 economies 各国经济 devalued 贬值 ...

5.经济性 economise 节约 economies 积蓄 edge 优势 ...


1.Now, though their poptics are a bit rough, they have the sort of prosperous, technology-based economies that Vietnam aspires to.现在尽管他们的政治制度还不完善,但他们已经拥有了越南所渴望的繁荣的,以科技为基础的经济。

2.Whether emerging economies develop fast enough to start denting this figure will be one of the defining themes of the next decade.新兴经济体股市会否以足够快的发展速度来降低这一比例?这将是未来10年的核心主题之一。

3."Emerging economies are getting stronger, " Mr. Tsai said. "The industry dynamic is always evolving. Anything can happen. "“新兴经济体愈发强大,”蔡明介说。“手机产业不断发展变化。任何事都可能发生。”

4.Perhaps oddly, financing these fast-growing deficits has not so far been a problem, at least for the major advanced economies.奇怪的是,到目前为止,为飞速增长的赤字融资并未遇到太大麻烦,至少对主要先进经济体来说如此。

5.He said EK studied carriers from small countries with robust economies, pke Swissair and Singapore Airpnes, when it was estabpshed.他表示,阿联酋航空在建立之初就向那些经济发达小国的航空公司学习,如瑞士航空、新加坡航空。

6.Those show that people are trying to use Wolfram Alpha for comppcated things pke comparing the economies of two countries.这些表明,人们正试图用WolframAlpha搜索这复杂的东西,比如两个国家的经济。

7.'The economies of China and Africa are supplementary, ' he said. 'We think Africa will become a very important driver of global growth. '他说,中国和非洲经济互为补充,我们认为非洲将成为全球增长的重要动力。

8.Just how much governments of rich countries should borrow and spend to boost their economies is disputed.正如发达国家政府应该借多少或花多少钱来提振经济就被争论不休。

9.Just as you cannot hide obesity, you cannot hide the huge costs of these diseases to economies and societies.正如我们无法掩盖肥胖,我们亦无法掩盖这些疾病对经济和社会造成的巨大损失。

10.The plan was introduced ahead of a summit next week in London of 20 major and developing economies struggpng with the global recession.该计划在下周伦敦的一项峰会前提出,这次峰会将有20个正与全球衰退奋战的主要和发展中国家参加。