


美式发音: [ˈɛdwərdz] 英式发音: [ˈedwədz]





1.爱德华兹 81 坎农 Cannon 82 爱德华斯 Edwards 83 维果斯基 Vygotsky ...

5.艾德华 Dutoit 杜特华 Edwards 艾德华 Eichenholz 艾亨霍尔兹 ...

6.马丁-爱德华兹 ... 麦考伊斯特( McCoist) 马丁-爱德华兹( Edwards) 弗兰克-沃辛顿( Frank Worthingto…

7.爱德华兹商学院  萨省大学爱德华兹商学院(Edwards)http://www网址被屏蔽merce网站屏蔽ask.ca萨省  维多利亚大学彼得·古斯塔弗森商学院(Peter B. Gustavs…


1.She said Edwards, who ran for president in 2004, did not support universal health care then, although he does now.她指称,在2004年参加总统选举时,爱德华并不支持全民医疗保险,然而他现在却改主意了。

2.Certainly, Edwards would have wanted her to get on with her pfe.当然,爱德华兹希望她能够好好地,快乐地活着。

3.with Andrews and their children by his side, Edwards might have boasted that he never did grow up.肺炎安德鲁斯和他们的孩子在他身边,爱德华兹可能吹嘘说他从来没有长大。

4.I thought this was nice. John Edwards told his wife, 'Of all the women I have children with, I'm going to spend today with you.那太好了,约翰·爱德华兹跟他老婆说,“在所有跟我生过孩子的女人中,我要和你一起过。”

5.Where other men might have felt attracted to her, and suddenly protective toward her, Edwards began to feel possessive.别的男人可能已经被她所吸引,忽然之间有了保护她的冲动,而爱德华兹却开始感觉到占有的欲望。

6.As a young boy, Edwards is said to have preached sermons to his playmates from a makeshift pulpit he built behind his home.据说爱德华兹在童年时就在他家屋后建起简易的布道坛,对他的玩伴们布道。

7.When Mrs Edwards opened her curtains and looked out, she smiled and said, "It's going to was a beautiful day. "当爱德华兹太太打开窗帘向外望时,她自己笑着说:“今天将是个好天气。”

8.At 85, Edwards is now too frail to give interviews, but his wife told the Nobel Foundation of his happiness at receiving the prize.85岁高龄的爱德华,爱德华兹由于身体欠佳,无法在获奖后立即接受采访。他的妻子对诺贝尔基金委转达了他得奖后的喜悦心情。

9.It was the most viewed story on the Web site all day. So was a recent story on (Democratic presidential hopeful) John Edwards's hairdresser.这篇文章成为当天网站上阅读次数最多的文章。最近一篇有关民主党总统竞选人约翰·爱德华兹理发的文章也是如此。

10.I was trying to catch Edwards because I thought it would've been nice to have a last-lap race with him, but I didn't quite get to him.我试图追赶Edwards,我觉得和他最后一圈一决雌雄那会很精彩,可最后没能实现。