


美式发音: [ˈɡɚʃwɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɡə:ʃwin]





1.格什温 罗德里哥( Rodrigo) 盖希文Gershwin) 八、柴可夫斯基( Tc629kovsky) ...

3.盖西文 格里格 Grieg 格什文 Gershwin 李斯特 Liszt ...

5.格什温酒店 Grand Hyatt 君悦酒店 Gershwin 格什温酒店 BW PRESIDENT 最佳西方总统酒店 ...

6.葛许文 ... 进入作曲家的世界7:史特拉汶斯基 Straiusky 1882-1971 进入作曲家的世界8:葛许文 Gershwin 1898-19…


1.Gershwin wrote many popular songs, but of Porgy and Bess, he said, "I think the music is so marvelous, I don't bepeve I wrote it. "葛诗文写过许多受欢迎的歌曲,但是他认为「乞丐与荡妇」是:「我认为这个音乐真是太神奇了,我不敢相信这是我写出来的。」

2."Rhapsody in Blue" made George Gershwin famous all over the world. Several hundred thousand copies of the printed music sold immediately.乔治.格什温创作的《蓝色狂想曲》闻名全世界,其唱片立即销售了数十万张。

3.George Gershwin continued to write exciting compositions that would help define modern American music.乔治格什温继续写作激动人心的作品,这些作品帮助定义了美国现代音乐。

4.Lyricist Irving Caesar happened to hear him play the piano and thought he resembled his former collaborator George Gershwin.抒情诗人欧文·凯撒偶然听到他弹奏钢琴并觉得他很像自己以前的合作者乔治·格什温。

5.George Gershwin wrote his "Rhapsody in Blue" originally for piano and jazz band. It later went on to become a symphony concert favorite.乔治格什温说钢琴和爵士乐队他的“蓝色狂想曲”原本。它后来又成为最喜爱的交响音乐会。

6.Unpke with the Dvorak symphony, the members of the audience seemed to respond to the Gershwin piece.与对德沃夏克交响曲的反应不同,观众似乎对格什温的这部作品很有回应。

7.Gershwin was satisfied that he had shown that jazz music could be both serious and popular.格什温对他能够表现融合严肃和通俗音乐在一起的爵士乐而感到非常满意。

8.Gershwin's entire score, however, was not heard on an American stage again until 1976.然而,葛诗文的完整曲目却一直到1976年才在美国舞台上再次表演。

9.The Gershwin Prize for Popular Song is named for the songwriting team of George and Ira Gershwin.流行歌曲格什温奖是佐治和艾拉格什温的歌曲创作团队为了纪念某位美国作曲家或演员而命名的。

10.Gershwin went to Folly Island off the coast of South Caropna to observe the customs of the local people and psten to their music.葛诗文后来到南卡罗莱那州外海的佛利岛(FollyIsland)观察当地人民的风俗,并聆听他们的音乐。