


美式发音: [rɪˈwɔrdɪŋ] 英式发音: [rɪˈwɔː(r)dɪŋ]









1.值得做的;有益的worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important

a rewarding experience/job有益的经历╱工作

2.报酬高的producing a lot of money

Teaching is not very financially rewarding(= is not very well paid) .教书不会有很高的报酬。



adj.1.The derivative of reward2.giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit

v.1.The present participle of reward

1.有益的 reward 酬报,奖赏;v.酬谢,奖赏 rewarding 有益的,值得做的 rhetoric 修辞学,浮夸的言语 ...

2.值得的 respectable a. 可尊敬的 rewarding a. 值得的 tedious a. 冗长的,乏味的 ...

3.值得做的 materially ad. 物质上 rewarding a. 值得做的;报酬丰厚的 average a. 平常的 ...

4.报答的 comment n. 评论 rewarding a. 值得(做)的;报答的 reward vt. 酬劳,奖赏 ...

5.有回报的 impartial, (公正的), rewarding有回报的), appreciative (欣赏的), ...

6.有报酬的 revive (使)复活,(使)复兴 rewarding 有报酬的,值得做的 rewrite 重写,改写 ...

7.有收获的 是可实现的( achievable) 有收获的rewarding) 讲究策略( tactical) ...

8.奖励•筛选部分更加着重于详细介绍筛选(screening and )和奖励rewarding)的方面。 白天是你结识真正想得到的女性很棒的时 …


1.For all that, India's African activity may one day prove to be at least as rewarding as China's.对于这一切,印度的非洲活动或许有一天也能够证明会取得像中国那样的回报。

2.It will take some practice and requires a bit of headway to get started, but can be very rewarding.万事开头难,需要做一些练习,还需要有点进展,但这会很有裨益。

3.When one of my students asked to copy that Mondrian, I said it might not be very rewarding, because it was so simple.当一个学生要求临摹蒙德里安的时候,我回应说那对他不一定有什么好处,因为这画太简单了。

4.I have found this experience to be very rewarding for us as a family. And I really think the girls are having a good experience.一起出去滑雪,还去了奥林匹克市中心,我认为他们将在这里有着非常好的经历。

5.While prototyping is always good development practice, Tapestry makes it a particularly rewarding practice as well.虽然原型法一直是个好的开发实践,但是Tapestry还进一步让它成为特别有益的实践。

6.Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my pfe.学习外语是我一生中最困难也是最值得的经历。

7.It is so auspicious, as if Guan Yin is rewarding me for writing the praise.这是如此的吉祥,犹如观音对我写此赞的奖赏。

8.But, revolutionary as it is, the agile movement is only the first step into a more complex and rewarding development practice.然而,虽然灵活运动具有革命性,但它毕竟只是更复杂更有益的开发实践的第一步。

9.Learing a forgein language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of me pfe.学习一种语言是我生活中最困难的也最有意义的一个经历。

10.He created an early variant of a "viral" social network, rewarding captains who submitted their logbooks with a copy of his maps.他创造了一个“病毒”的早期变异体的社交网络,对于那些愿意交出他们航海日志的船长一张地图副本作为奖励。