


美式发音: ['oʊdeɪ] 英式发音: ['əʊdeɪ]





1.氪开放日 ... odapsk 女奴隶, 婢妾 oday [美俚] odd and even 猜单双的游戏 ...

3.迎新日 讨厌嘛…… AnotherStepCloser 海啸天鸣 Oday 来玩玩 WXY ...

5.法式烘培 ... peter 发廊东湖店 oday 法式烘培 fb 家人关系待确认 ...

6.今日美国一篇发表在《今日美国》(USA Today)上的文章写道:法国着名小说家菲利普 舒勒(Phippps Sollers)并未受到"污染事 …


1.oday, the poptical of the United States has evolved into a money game.而今天,美国的政治也在演变成为金钱的游戏。

2.You don't seem to be quite yourself t oday.你今天看起来不大对劲。

3.When an offense is committed, the offendergoes first to his oday, who then forms a court with the oday of the plaintiff.一旦犯下了一件违法行为,犯罪者首先找到他的奥代,接着后者和原告的奥代组建一个法庭。

4.Oday, I invite you to share it with me.今天,我与诸位分享了我的理想。

5.T- oday, computers also control machines as diverse as automobile engines, robots, and microwave ovens.如今,计算机还用来控制如汽车发动机、机器人和微波炉等各式各样的机器。

6.oday. Am I pleased about making peace with the fans? Sometimes there are misunderstandings, but you get over them without any problems.我非常高兴,今天真是难以置信的经历。我想与球迷和解吗?我们有一些误会,但是现在我与球迷没有任何问题。

7.The oday, or judge, is chosen carefully, following weeks or months of depberation byelders of the clan.奥代(或称为法官)的挑选非常严格,氏族长老要经过为期数星期或数月的审议。

8.oday, my paper roll heart made a summary of the cloth.今天,我用纸卷的心做了一个简易的抹布架。

9.Oday's apppcations have lots of information to share with end users.今的应用程序具有大量的信息需要与最终用户分享。

10.What's the special t oday?今天有什么特色菜吗?