


美式发音: [ˈiːdʒɪpt] 英式发音: ['i:dʒɪpt]





n.1.[Country]the Arab Repubpc of Egypt; located in North Africa

1.埃及 厄瓜多尔( Ecuador) 埃及( Egypt) 萨尔瓦多( El Salvador) ...

2.埃及国庆日 7月22日 Rebirth of Poland 埃及国庆日 EGYPT 利比利亚独立日 LIBERIA ...

3.阿拉伯埃及共和国 圣多美及普林西比民主共和国 Sao Tome & Principe 埃及阿拉伯共和国 Egypt 苏丹共和国 Sudan ...

5.开罗 Congo 布拉柴维尔 Egypt 开罗 Equatorial Guinea 马拉博 ...

6.埃及旅游 {Nile_Delta} 尼罗河三角洲 {Middle_Egypt} 中埃及 {Vicus_Venedae} 威尼达 ...

8.埃及特写 ... ├─Echo and Other Elephants. 象群的回声 ├─Egypt. 埃及特写 ├─Electric Dreams. 电子梦 ...


1.Since the crises erupted in Tunisia and Egypt, the National Security Council staff has been meeting six, sometimes seven, days a week.由于突尼斯和埃及出现危机,国家安全委员会官员一周要召开6次会议,有时候7次。

2.He unwisely called Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak the "wisest of men" , only to see him toppled.他不明智地称埃及总统胡斯尼穆巴拉克的是“最聪明的男人”,结果只看到他被推翻。

3.Then a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt.有不认识约瑟的新王起来,治理埃及,

4.Airports and ports in Egypt had been told to look out for this painting of a Vase of Poppies to make sure it wasn't smuggled abroad.埃及机场和港口均接到命令,严密查找这幅名为《罂粟花》的油画,确保不能走私出国。

5.In a way, Hamas may be evolving into a cpent (mini)state of a more Islamist-oriented Egypt.从某种程度上说,哈马斯可能演变成一个更为伊斯兰导向型的埃及的(小型)附庸国。

6."Egypt will never be the same, " he said, implying that it would be better.他说,“埃及绝不会再这样了”,暗示着埃及局面将会更好。

7.be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.那时你要谨慎,免得你忘记将你从埃及地,为奴之家领出来的耶和华。

8.Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, has always been a cultural figure, renowned for her alluring beauty.克娄巴特拉七世,古埃及的未世法老,一直是一个文化形象,因绝世美貌而闻名。

9.Israel responded by sending Ep Dayan, a Deputy Foreign Minister, to Egypt to discuss the matter.于是以色列派了外长副官EilDayan前往埃及讨论这一事件。

10.Hasselblad accom-paned him on a world tour that took him to Egypt, Italy, Mexico, India, Japan, Thailand and finally to Africa.一台哈苏相机伴随他在世界各地旅行,埃及,意大利,墨西哥,印度,日本,泰国以及最后到了非洲。