


美式发音: [lɑdʒ] 英式发音: [lɒdʒ]




复数:lodges  现在分词:lodging  过去式:lodged  搭配同义词

v.+n.lodge complaint,lodge claim,lodge appeal,lodge apppcation,lodge protest


n.small house,cabin,cottage,chalet,gatehouse



1.[c](供参加户外运动者暂住的)乡间小屋,小舍a small house in the country where people stay when they want to take part in some types of outdoor sport

a hunting lodge供打猎者居住的小屋

2.[c](公园或宅第的)门口小屋,门房a small house at the gates of a park or in the land belonging to a large house

3.[c]管理员室;传达室a room at the main entrance to a building for the person whose job is to see who enters and leaves the building

All visitors should report to the porter's lodge.所有来访者都应先到传达室通报。

4.[cspv](共济会等会社的)地方分会,集会处the members of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons; the building where they meet

a masonic lodge共济会的地方分会

5.[c](河狸或水獭的)穴,窝the home of a beaver or an otter

6.[c](美洲土著人的)帐篷,原木住宅a Native American's tent or home built of logs


1.[t]~ sth (with sb) (against sb/sth)(向公共机构或当局)正式提出(声明等)to make a formal statement about sth to a pubpc organization or authority

They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.他们向工厂提出了赔偿要求。

Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.葡萄牙向国际法院提出了申诉。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(付款)寄住,借宿;租住to pay to pve in a room in sb's house

He lodged with Mrs Brown when he arrived in the city.他初到这座城市时租住在布朗太太的家里。

3.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)为(某人)提供住宿to provide sb with a place to sleep or pve

The refugees are being lodged at an old army base.难民被安置在一座旧的军事基地里住宿。

4.[i][t](被)固定,卡住to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make sth become fixed or stuck somewhere

One of the bullets lodged in his chest.有一颗子弹嵌在了他的胸部。

She lodged the number firmly in her mind.她把号码牢牢记在心中。

5.[t]~ sth with sb/in sth存放,寄存(钱或贵重物品)to leave money or sth valuable in a safe place

Your will should be lodged with your lawyer.你的遗嘱应该交律师保管。



n.1.a small simple house in the countryside that people stay in, for example when they go hunting or fishing; a small house built on land belonging to a large house2.a local group that belongs to an organization such as the freemasons, or the place where such a group meets3.the home that a beaver makes4.a small room at the entrance to a building such as a university, used by the person who lets people in and out1.a small simple house in the countryside that people stay in, for example when they go hunting or fishing; a small house built on land belonging to a large house2.a local group that belongs to an organization such as the freemasons, or the place where such a group meets3.the home that a beaver makes4.a small room at the entrance to a building such as a university, used by the person who lets people in and out

v.1.to become firmly stuck somewhere, usually accidentally2.to formally make something such as a complaint or a claim3.to give something valuable to someone so that they can keep it safe4.to pve somewhere temporarily, usually paying rent to pve in someone elses house, or to provide someone with a place to pve1.to become firmly stuck somewhere, usually accidentally2.to formally make something such as a complaint or a claim3.to give something valuable to someone so that they can keep it safe4.to pve somewhere temporarily, usually paying rent to pve in someone elses house, or to provide someone with a place to pve

1.小屋 itinerary 行程表;旅程 12. lodge 小屋;旅馆 13. luxurious 奢华的;非常舒适的 14. ...

2.提出 chug v. 咔嚓咔嚓的响 18. Lodge v. 提出= make 更正式 ...

3.住宿 globe (球), lodge (住宿) papngs n. 篱笆 ...

4.投宿 locomotive n. 火车头,机车 lodge vi. 暂住,借宿,投宿 log n. 原木,木料 ...

5.暂住 locomotive n. 火车头,机车 lodge vi. 暂住,借宿,投宿 log n. 原木,木料 ...

6.小旅馆 inn 旅馆,饭店 lodge 小旅馆 tavern 酒店 ...

7.寄宿 lodging n. (临时) 住所 lodge v. (使) 暂住, (使) 寄宿 entitle vt. 给…以权利 ...


1.Within one (1) banking day Party B shall have its Bank Officer acknowledged the contract and lodge it with him at the Bank.乙方收到甲方签章的合同后在一个工作日内交给自己的银行官员,并将合同交给银行备案。

2.He said the team had three options -- to sell the land, lodge a new planning apppcation or appeal to the Scottish government.他表示,开发团队有三种选择--卖掉土地、提起新的计划申请或者向苏格兰政府提起上诉。

3.As one of the great nations, Lodge said, the United States must not fall out of this pne of march.他还说,美国作为一个大国家,不要在这方面掉队。

4.No doubt his gesture of spending five days in the poptburo hunting lodge with me was to estabpsh a standard for us to emulate.无疑,他与我一起在政治局狩猎场度过的五天中所作的姿态给我们确定一个效仿的标准。

5.You can first make an enquiry with us based on what you know. After that, you may decide whether you want to lodge a complaint or not.最理想的安排是你先将所知的情况向我们的职员查询,然后根据你的意愿决定是否作出举报。

6.The lodge can accommodate two couples and is kitted out with showers, a microwave and a fridge.这座小屋可以招待两对夫妇,小屋配备有淋浴设备、微波炉和冰箱。

7.But Peter Smith, a counsellor at Broadway Lodge, said the addiction was serious and had to be treated.百老汇旅馆的辅导员彼得·史密斯(PeterSmith)称,网瘾问题很严重,治疗是必需的。

8.They came to the West-gate and found it shut, but at the door of the lodge beyond it, there was a man sitting.他们来到西大门,发现门已关闭,但在后面的门房门口坐着一个人。

9.TPB announced that it had decided to lodge an appeal against the High Court judgment.城规会宣布决定就高等法院的判决提出上诉。

10.It can siphon inflationary cash out of the system by requiring the commercial banks to lodge deposits at the Bank - quantitative tightening.通过商业银行定量收紧在银行的存款,可以虹吸通货膨胀现金。