



美式发音: [ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs] 英式发音: [ɪn'dʒʌstɪs]



复数:injustices  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.expose injustice

adj.+n.serious injustice





n.1.failure to treat someone fairly and to respect their rights; an unfair action or event

1.不公平做的动作;空格 2 填入一个形容词性成分,表示对"侵权行为injustices)"的修饰。


1.How much should I talk with my child about the social injustices in the world, and how can I foster a commitment to social justice in her?和孩子谈起社会的不公,应该掌握怎样的尺度?怎样培养她的正义感?

2.I felt pke I was sitting down with a toddler and trying to explain pfe's great injustices, pke why tummies hurt sometimes.我感觉就像是和一个蹒跚学路的小孩儿坐在一起,想向他说清楚人生中巨大的不公,比如说,为什么有时候会肚子疼。

3.Yet the transition towards eventual privatisation must be carefully handled if it is not to provoke new injustices and social upheaval.然而,如果要避免引发新的不公正现象乃至社会动荡,就必须审慎把握以私有化为最终目标的过渡。

4.I felt as if my mind was being whipped, as if a ghost had commandeered my pen and was writing to redress the injustices it had suffered.我觉得有一根鞭子在抽打我的心,又觉得仿佛有甚么鬼魂借我的笔为自己伸冤一样。

5.It struck a chord with many Romanians who saw in it a symbol of the injustices of post-communist society.很多罗马尼亚人都把这一行为看作是后共产党时期社会不公平现象的代表。

6.One elderly resident said he was determined not to repeat the injustices of the Gadhafi years.一位年迈的居民表示,他决意不再重复卡扎菲统治岁月时的不正义行为。

7.My own sense of injustice developed within me an intense sense of the injustices happening outside my home.我自己这种不公平的感受,逐渐在内心里演变成对于家庭之外种种不平之事的强烈不满。

8.Protests over local injustices, already running at tens of thousands a year, were becoming ever more frequent.每年针对地方不公正的抗议事件已经增加到数万起,而且正在变得更加频繁。

9.It was a place for people to sing about social injustices as well as what was happening on the streets.它是一个人们唱出社会不公平以及在身边发生了什么的地方。

10.The injustices of the city and of the South led Dr King to organize non-violent demonstrations aimed at ending segregation .南部城市的不公正使得金博士组织起非暴力的游行以结束种族隔离。