




1.八点三十分 ... QUART TO NINE 在十五分钟九点 EIGHT THIRTY 八点三十分 THIRTY TO NINE 在三 …

2.八点半 eight o'clock 八点整 eight thirty 八点半 half past eight 八点半 ...

3.八时三十分 八时三十分 eight thirty/half past eight 一时三十分 one thirty/half past one ...

4.在大约八点半 ... ______time… 几点 ______ ______ eight thirty 在大约八点半 rock__bands____ 摇滚 …

5.读作 10:56读作 ten fifty-six 8:30读作 eight thirty 站台票 platform ticket ...


1.Hey, you know what, that Skil saw's pretty loud for eight-thirty at night. How would you feel about knocking off for the day?我说,你那个电锯在晚上八点半听上去实在是太吵了,你觉得今天就干到这里怎么样?

2.It was about eight when he called on her. At eight thirty he was nervous, thinking about the job.他去找她时大约是八点,到了八点半,一想到工作他便局促不安。

3.At this time of year the sun comes up at five in the morning and goes down at about eight-thirty in the evening.一年中的这个时候,太阳在早上五点升起,晚上八点左右落下。

4.Take a shower at eight thirty, nine Engpsh, ten thirty. Ten thirty we also down the pne.八点半洗澡,九点学习英语,十点半晚安。十点半我们同时下了线。

5.If the train leaves at eight thirty, there is no time to lose.火车如果是八点半开,我们得抓紧时间了。

6.Laurie: Eight-thirty. We're not pressed for time. I hate having to hurry over dinner. Oh, here it comes now. Take your time and enjoy it.劳丽:八点半,我们并不赶时间。我不喜欢匆忙吃晚饭。哦,饭来了,慢慢享用吧。

7.What were you doing at eight thirty last night? No one answered the phone.昨晚八点半的时候你在干啥,怎么没人接电话?

8.We usually go to bed at about eight thirty.我们通常会在八点半就睡觉。

9.At eight-thirty that morning I was in my office at The New Yorker working on a story about AIDS in India.那天早上八点半,我正在《纽约客》编辑部的办公室写一篇有关印度艾滋病情况的稿件。

10.Black and white goes over, arrives at eight thirty-nine p. m. , finds it's a homicide.黑白警车开过来,在晚上八点三十九到现场,发现了这是个谋杀案。