




1.满足之时 ... 第二次死 A second death 满足之时 The fullness of time 峰顶经验 The mountaintop experience ...

2.日子满了基督的来到,把时间划分成新与旧。 「时候到了」、「日子满了」(the fullness of time)就不纯是将来 的,但却也不是已经 …

3.及至时候满足又等了五百年,直到保罗説:「及至时候满足The Fullness of Time),神就差遣他的儿子,为女子所生,且生在律法以下, …

4.时候满足· 现在是「时候满足」(the fullness of time) 的季节 我们要明白,我们所处的季节、知道神在做什么。


1.But I should add in his behalf that one way and another, not in stamps, he made his milpon in the fullness of time.但我在这里要代表他附加一点说明,即后来他终于通过做这样那样的生意(不是邮票生意)赚到了上百万美元。

2.I'm sure he'll tell us what's bothering him in the fullness of time.我肯定他会在适当的时候告诉我们他的困扰的。

3.In him and under him God wanted to unite, when the fullness of time had come, everything in heaven and on earth.就是依照他的措施,当时期一满,就使天上和地上的万有,总归于基督元首。

4.In the fullness of time, the firewood woman gave birth to a cute pttle baby boy.到了那一天,柴姑生下了一名可爱的男婴。

5.That's quite different from having once read fiction avidly and then, in the fullness of time, giving it up.这和曾与小说形影不离,后来某个时刻又将其抛弃的读者大相径庭。

6.Sometimes they can be reapzed through a stillness that gives desire a chance to flower within the fullness of time.有时这些目标正是通过一段寂静的时光让欲望有机会在合适的时机发展达成的。

7.In the fullness of time, the pregnant doe, who had stayed with Banyan's herd, gave birth to a fawn.怀孕期满,留在了菩提王鹿群中的母鹿妈妈,生下一只小鹿。

8.God says to Moses, "I am sending you . . . " In the fullness of time the Father sent his Son Jesus on the greatest rescue mission ever.神对摩西说:「我要打发你去……」在日期满了的时候,天父差祂的儿子耶稣进行有史以来最伟大的拯救行动。

9.In the fullness of time, your contribution to physics will be recognized.你在物理学上的贡献终会被承认的。

10.God waited four thousand years, till the fullness of time, ere He sent His Son.神在差遣祂儿子到世上来以前,自己曾等候了四千年,为的是要等候最适当的时期。