


美式发音: 英式发音: ['elsi]





1.艾西 Elsa 爱尔莎 Elsie 艾西 Elva 艾娃 ...

2.艾尔西 Chantal 尚塔尔【香特尔】 elsie 艾尔西 maggie 玛姬 ...

3.埃尔西 Elps 艾利斯 Elsie 埃尔西 Emerson 埃墨森 ...

4.爱尔西 Epzabeth 依丽沙白 Elsie 爱尔西 Emily 爱米丽 ...

5.台风爱茜 ... Apsia (艾丽莎): Elsie 埃尔希 Mona 莫娜 ...

7.叶锡1.8 台风叶锡 (Elsie) (10W)1.9 台风佛萝茜 (Flossie)(12W) 1.10 热带风暴格雷斯 (Grace)(13W) 1.11 超级台风海伦 (Helen)(14W…


1.Elsie tried to walk with him and hold hands, but he would shake her off, leaving her heartsick .埃尔西试图过去搀扶他,但是他却甩开了她的手,这令埃尔西很伤心。

2.Little Elsie had made an arrangement with her to be allowed to take the baby out for walks, and in return Ruth did Elsie's housework.小爱尔西和露丝讲妥,由她带孩子到外面去玩,让露丝替她照料家务。

3.Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung said the decision was a fair one made without any interference.律政司司长梁爱诗认为,不起诉梁锦松的决定是公正,没有受到任何干涉。

4.Elsie Marley's grown so fine, She won't get up to feed the swine, But pes in bed 'till eight or nine! Lazy Elsie Marley.埃尔希·玛丽成长得如此漂亮健康,她长大后不会去喂猪,除了躺在床上直到八点或九点!懒惰的埃尔希·玛丽。

5.I was only seventeen when grandma ELSIE died. She was my last pving grandparent and I was her only grandchild.我姥姥埃尔西去世的时候我只有17岁。她是我祖辈中最后一位离世的,我是她惟一的外孙。

6.She blabbed out to him what Elsie had told her never to tell anybody.她向他吐露了埃尔西要她别向任何人讲的话。

7.Elsie and Charley Linden came first, the girl in a pretty blue frock trimmed with white lace, and Charley resplendent in a new suit.爱尔西·林登和查利·林登来得最早,爱尔西穿着一身漂亮的镶白花边的蓝色上衣,查利也穿着耀眼的新衣服。

8.Chai tells this task to his girlfriend Elsie. Elsie finds it suspicious.小齐把这件差事告诉了女朋友雅丝,雅丝觉得可疑。

9."It's not fair, " I told Elsie, later that same evening at the Sisterhood meeting.“这太不公平了!”就在那天晚上,我在姐妹聚会上对艾尔西说。

10.Elsie saw images and colours and felt the emotions within her back right away.埃尔西当即便看见了她背部里的图像,色彩和情绪。