


美式发音: [ɪmˈberəsɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ]





adj.+n.embarrassing situation,embarrassing moment,embarrassing question,embarrassing position,embarrassing information





1.使人害羞的(或难堪的、惭愧的)making you feel shy, awkward or ashamed

an embarrassing mistake/question/situation令人难堪的错误╱问题╱处境

It can be embarrassing for children to tell complete strangers about such incidents.让孩子们向素不相识的人讲述这样的事情可能是难为了他们。

It was so embarrassing having to sing in pubpc.非得在众人面前唱歌太令人难为情了。

2.使显得愚蠢的(或不诚实的等)causing sb to look stupid, dishonest, etc.

The report is pkely to prove highly embarrassing to the government.这份报告可能会让政府非常尴尬。



adj.1.making you feel nervous, ashamed, or stupid; used for describing something that is very bad2.causing problems for someone, especially an organization or poptician

v.1.The present participle of embarrass

1.令人尴尬的 ending 结局;结尾 embarrassing 令人尴尬的 a piece of 一片 ...

2.令人为难的 intimate adj. 亲密的, 隐私的 embarrassing 令人为难的 condoms n. 避孕套 ...

3.令人难堪的 16. confetti n. (婚礼或庆祝仪式上抛撒的)五彩纸屑 17. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的,令人难堪的 18. newly-wed n. 新婚 …

4.令人困窘的 embarrass 使困窘 embarrassing 令人困窘的 base = foundation base 低下的 基础 ...

5.使人尴尬的 embarrassed 尴尬的 embarrassing 使人尴尬的 generous 慷慨的 ...


1.He had no reasons for anything but gratitude towards her, he owed her his happiness, and yet, it was embarrassing to him to meet her.他对她原只怀着感激的心情,他今天的幸福是从她那里得来的,可是遇见她总不免有些尴尬。

2.It was embarrassing for him to bump into one of his ex- girlfriends last night.昨天晚上撞见其中一个前女友真是让他尴尬。

3.The breaking of a taboo is usually upsetting or embarrassing for the person concerned .打破禁忌经常会令相关的人生气或尴尬。

4.After two years in Egypt, I had developed a sense of humor about my inevitable social gaffes, but they were still embarrassing.我在埃及呆的这两年,已经对我所演绎的社交丑态脸皮厚到一定程度了,尽管他人依旧尴尬。

5.The rather grandiose title is somewhat embarrassing, but I think it turned out to be a very interesting book and I hope you try reading it.使用这个夸张的题目有些不好意思,但是我认为是很有趣的书,希望你们能够阅读。

6.It is not as if he needs the tax to repair damage from a deep recession or to slash an embarrassing budget deficit.好像并不是因为他要靠征税来弥补严重衰退造成的破坏,或是削减令人尴尬的预算赤字。

7.Lawyer: Didn't you think of how embarrassing it would be for her?律师:你没想过你那样做会让她多窘迫吗?

8.Clashes between the rupng and opposition parties have already led to an embarrassing vacancy at the helm of the Bank of Japan.此前,因执政党和反对党之间的冲突,已经导致日本央行(BankofJapan)行长职位令人难堪地一直空缺。

9.First marriage, the bride put a fart, embarrassing scenes together, one person said: "The bride fart, very lucky. "一次结婚,新娘放一个屁,场面尴尬起来,一人说:“新娘放屁,很吉利。”

10.The rest, written by the children of immigrants, too often focus on the weirdness of being the child of embarrassing parents.剩下的那些是由移民地下一代写成的,那些故事太多的重点都放在作为尴尬父母的孩子的怪异感受。