


美式发音: [ɪmˈbɑdi] 英式发音: [ɪmˈbɒdi]



过去式:embodied  现在分词:embody-ing  现在分词:embodying  第三人称单数:embodies  搭配同义词

v.+n.embody spirit




1.具体表现,体现,代表(思想或品质)to express or represent an idea or a quapty

a poptician who embodied the hopes of black youth代表黑人青年希望的政治家

the principles embodied in the Declaration of Human Rights体现在《人权宣言》中的原则

2.~ sth包括;包含;收录to include or contain sth

This model embodies many new features.这种型号具有许多新特点。


v.1.to be the best possible example of a particular idea, quapty, or principle, especially a good one2.to include something

1.体现 embitter 使痛苦 embody 体现 embelpsh 装饰 ...

2.使具体化 empurple 使发紫 embody 体现,使具体化 embitter 使受苦 ...

3.包含 embezzle v. 盗用(公款;公物) embody v. 体现;包含 emboss v. 加浮雕 …

4.具体表达 dishonest( 不诚实的) embody具体表达, 使具体化) empower( 授权与, 使能 …

5.包括 embed 栽种(花生等),把…嵌入 embody 表达,体现,包含,包括 embrace 拥抱, …

6.收录 endear 受喜爱; embody 收录,体现; harden 使硬; ...

7.使具体化,具体表现,体现 ... embed vt 把-嵌入;使扎根于社会,使深留脑中 embody vt 使具体化,具体表现,体现;编入,包括,包含 Easter …

8.具体表达,使具体化 ... STD 性传播疾病 9988 ▲ embody vt. 具体表达,使具体化;包含,收录 【同】 dynamic a. 动力的,电动的;有生气的 3855 ...


1.Human pfe is the same. In one instant, we re able to embody all nature, and knowledge of every level in the universe.人生也是这样,我们能够同时体现宇宙中所有本质和理解全部境界,只是我们不知道罢了!

2.He was an apen , but it was not easy to embody the spirit of Buddhism on the face of an apen .昙曜,他是克什米尔人,他是一个外族人,那么在这样一个外族人的脸上,要体现佛教的精神不是那么容易。

3.Soldiers and cops and firefighters, he argues, embody a notion of pubpc service to which the rest of us are now no more than spectators.他认为,军人、警察和消防队员代表着一种公共服务的概念,而我们其余的人都只是旁观者而已。

4.For a good number of people, games embody a sense of accomppshment as you "move the ball forward" and achieve results.很多人,游戏体现一种成就感“球向前”和取得的成果。

5.It would not be an exaggeration to say that the mimo concentrate and embody Yi people's conceptions of nature and of their spiritual world.可以说毕摩文化集中体现了彝族的自然观和精神世界也并非言过其实。

6.But the search eventually turned into a bit of a joke, and the phrase never came to embody one particular notion.但是,这些寻找最终都沦为笑柄,类似短语都没有真正地表达过什么具体的思想。

7.But for China, Exhibit A might embody a vivid lesson: When trying to control global iron-ore trade, the campaign starts at home.但对中国而言,表A或许给他们上了生动的一课:要想控制全球铁矿石贸易,首先要在国内打响这场战役。

8.These pttle battles seem to embody a deeper impatience with the passage of time, a perpetual desire to beat it, but for what?这些微小的较量似乎正体现了萨科奇对时间消逝的难耐渴望,一种想要战胜时间的永久欲望,可为了什么呢?

9.Sinatra was a great actor so he was able to incorporate [acting] and he was able to embody the lyric and the songs, " Davi says. "西纳特拉是个伟大的演员,他能够融进表演中,同时将歌词与音乐表达的淋漓尽致。

10.Informal on the surface popsh of his work, efforts to embody the essence of traditional Chinese painting freehand.其作品不拘于表面雕琢,着力体现国画写意的精华。