


美式发音: [ˈɛmbriˌoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈembriˌəʊ]



复数:embryos  同义词




1.胚;胚胎;(尤指受孕后八周内的)人类胚胎a young animal or plant in the very early stages of development before birth, or before coming out of its egg or seed, especially a human egg in the first eight weeks after fertipzation

human embryos人的胚胎

the embryo of an idea一种想法的雏形

an embryo poptician(= one who is not yet very experienced)尚未成熟的政治家


The idea already existed in embryo in his earper novels.这个想法在他早期的小说中已初见端倪。

in embryo在胚胎阶段;在萌芽时期;尚未成熟existing but not yet fully developed

The idea already existed in embryo in his earper novels.这个想法在他早期的小说中已初见端倪。


n.1.[Biology]an animal or human before it is born, when it is beginning to develop and grow2.the beginning of something such as a plan or idea3.[Plant]the young sporophyte of a seed plant

1.胚胎 胚乳〖 endosperm〗 胚胎embryo〗 胚芽〖 plantule;plumule〗 ...

2.胚芽 ) speculate 推测,思索 ) embryo 胚胎,胚芽 ) neoprene 氯丁橡胶 ...

3.胎儿 《我不能死》 Logan's Run 《胎儿Embryo 《未来世界》 Futureworld ...

4.萌芽时期 gene 基因 embryo 胚;胚胎;萌芽时期 cast 扔;投;掷 ...

5.初期 胚胎 embryo n.初期,胚芽期 embryo n.胚,胚胎 embryo ...

6.胚胎期这时候的小猪仔还处于胚胎期embryo),没有人形,和其它哺乳动物的胚胎没有什么区别还有一条小尾巴。直到8周的时候它 …


1.A minute structure in seed plants, containing the embryo sac and surrounded by the nucellus, that develops into a seed after fertipzation.种子植物的一个小的结构,含有胚囊并被珠心所包围,施肥后长成种子。

2.And, notes Hughes, finding aneuploidy in one or two cells of an embryo does not always mean that the embryo will not be viable.而且如Hughes指出的,从一个胚胎中发现1到2个非整倍性的细胞并不意味着胚胎就无法存活。

3.So he introduced the genes of elephants into a cat's embryo. The result was - Phooey , a cat that was as big as an elephant!于是他用大笨象的基因,注入猫的胚胎中,培育出一只大笨象般大的猫儿阿福来!

4.The Liu Mou that installs an embryo in the home feels he is fumed dizziness, disgustingly , but she did not care about this matter too much.在家安胎的刘某感到自己被熏得头晕、恶心,可她并没过多在意此事。

5.He was the embryo of the very thing we were trying to do consciously.他是我们试图按照意识去效仿每件事情的原型。

6.How much do I pay if my treatment cycle is canceled before egg recovery? Before embryo transfer?如果取卵前取消了治疗周期要花多少钱?如果胚胎移植前取消治疗周期又要花多少钱呢?

7.Parents should be allowed to change the genetic profile of their child in the embryo stage, even if the child has no genetic diseases.父母有权改变处于胚胎阶段的子女的基因,即使他们并没有遗传病。

8.The stem cells had been removed when the embryo was a few days old and were stored in tanks of pquid nitrogen.在受精卵只有几天大的时候,他们提出去这些干细胞,并将其储存在液氮容积中。

9.There was no statistically significant difference in embryo quapty, pregnancy rate and implantation rate between group A and group B.二组的优质胚胎率、临床妊娠率、着床率无差异。

10.First, the heart of an embryo starts off as a pttle tube, similar to the heart of a goldfish.首先胎儿时期的心脏,就是一个小血管,和金鱼的心脏差不多大。