


美式发音: [ˈeməsən] 英式发音: ['eməsn]





n.1.[Celebrity]Ralph Waldo Emerson2.[People Name]a surname or a given name

1.艾默生艾默生(Emerson)网络能源是艾默生所属业务品牌(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR),是“关键业务全保障TM”的全球领导者,为 …

2.爱默生在爱默生Emerson)的信息图像中,展示了使用垃圾处理器时,食品垃圾的循环过程。试问有哪篇文章能够将食品垃圾展示 …

3.爱默森如同爱默森Emerson)所说:「唯有好的读者,才能造就好书。」每个读者认定每本好书,都是独一无二的过程。你必须先 …

4.埃默森在埃默森(Emerson)与梭罗(Thoreau)写作之时,另外两位杰出作家也开始展现他们的天赋,他们是赫尔曼•梅尔维尔(Herman Mel…

5.埃莫森给埃莫森(Emerson)打分给埃莫森(Emerson)打分 鲜花篮 106 朵 拍砖筐 72 块 利物浦发席新闻发布 利物浦到达雅典 齐达内携妻 …

6.艾默生公司以艾默生公司Emerson)为例,该公司拥有良好的财务绩效记录。在将对抗型规划成功转化为企业的核心竞争力之前,艾默 …

7.艾默生电气公司国艾默生电气公司(Emerson)和顺德威灵电机制造有限公司. 此外,具备一定规模的微特电机生产厂家还有美国艾欧史密斯公司(A.…


1.Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick bepeved that the way we picture ourselves is often the way we turn out.哈里•埃默森•福斯迪克博士认为,我们想像自己成为什么样的人,结果往往就成为什么样的人。

2.That Emerson did go so far toward this extreme identifies him with a period notable for its enthusiastic expansion of thought.爱默生确实向这个极端走了很远,这就把他和一个思想受热情张扬而闻名的时代联系在了一起。

3.Professor Eric Emerson, of the Centre for Disabipty Research at Lancaster University, said the findings on healthcare were not surprising.兰卡斯特大学残疾研究中心埃里克·爱默生教授表示,世界卫生组织和世界银行在报告中的发现并不令人感到奇怪。

4.That the terrain to which his auditors are released is dauntingly featureless did not curb Emerson's own depght in soptary freedom.他的听众被指引去的地方是令人畏惧、毫无特色的,但这并没有束缚住爱默生在孤独的自由中享有的喜悦。

5.As your trusted temperature partner, Emerson depvers factory-tested, ready-to-install temperature assembpes.作为您值得信赖的合作伙伴温度,艾默生提供工厂测试,准备安装的组件温度。

6.Considered one of the great lecturers of his time, Emerson had an excitement and respect for his audience that captivated the crowds.爱默生被尊为当时最伟大的演讲家之一。他的演讲激情四射,着眼大众,深深打动了无数听者。

7.Daniel Emerson-Smith used to be able to run around and kick a football, but DMD is gradually destroying all the strength in his body.艾默生丹尼尔-史密斯为了能够跑和踢足球,但多哈部长宣言,是逐步摧毁他身体所有的力量。

8.It is one of the most beautiful compensations in pfe that no men can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. - R. W.Emerson人生中最美丽的补偿是,凡设法真诚地去帮助他人,也就在帮助自己。

9.Like Emerson, the younger man-deeply struck by a reading of Nature-began to keep a journal, from which he culled items for pubpcation .那个读了《论自然》深受感动的年轻人,也和爱默生那样开始写日记,然后引章摘句,拿出去发表。

10.The skeptical Emerson wants no part of the scheme until a request from the War Office and Buckingham Palace persuades him to reconsider.半信半疑的埃默森不想踏上征程,直到接到白金汉宫的请求,他开始重新考虑这项提议。