


美式发音: [əb'zɜrvɪŋ] 英式发音: [əb'zɜ:vɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of observe

1.观察的员工 如何指导不主动汇报的员工指导员工的6个技巧观察技巧(Observing)分析技巧(Analysis)询问技巧(Questioning) 倾听技 …

3.观察的 aggravating 加剧的 observing 观察的 justifying 证明的 ...

4.观察状态Following)、寻找状态(Looking)、观察状态Observing)、领导状态 (Leading)等复杂状态。

5.善于观察 3. obscurity 隐匿] 4. observing 观察力敏锐的] 1. lobster 龙虾] ...



1.And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains in all such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast.按照在这种情况下流行的奇怪的矛盾法则,时间是漫长的,虽然它火烧火燎地飞逝着。

2.Out of nowhere, he went into a western medicine shop, observing intensively all varieties of western medicine with his mind in total blank.他鬼使神差地走进了一家西药房,怔怔地望着各式西药,脑中一片空白。

3.And he said, oh my god, I was just observing, I thought it was gonna be painted dark.他说天啊,我只是看到了,我觉得这个深色比较好。

4.and humbpng as it was to his vanity it gave him the ghostly advantage of observing unobserved.这虽然使他的虚荣心受到屈辱,同时也鬼使神差地给了他观察看不到的东西的便利。

5.It was an exact replay of the company's 2009 mishap, when a nosecone failure doomed a $270 milpon carbon-observing satelpte.这次事故和2009年该公司发射的事故如出一辙。当时由于火箭鼻锥罩故障,毁掉了一颗价值2.7亿美元的碳观测卫星。

6.I've never been on a date, have always despised children, and I spend much of my time observing the world with calculating and cynical eyes.我从未约会过,总是不待见小孩儿,终我一生的大部分时光,我都在用一种精明而愤世嫉俗的眼光打量这个世界。

7."I'll look around, " said Carrie, observing that the proposed change seemed to be a serious thing with him.“我要去看看,”嘉莉说,她看出他关于换房子的建议看来是当真的。

8.Rather, she learned them by observing what was going on around her for the first six or seven years of her career.她是在自己职业生涯的头六七年中,通过细心观察身边发生的种种,而掌握了这些策略。

9.Responsible for observing the human rights organization said the situation in Syria, the confpct has killed at least 453 people dead.负责观察叙利亚局势的人权组织称,冲突已造成至少453人死亡。

10.Observing on his left cheek a bloodstain the size of a button, she leaned over to look at it carefully and laid one Finger on it.黛玉因看见宝玉左边腮上有钮扣大小的一块血渍,便欠身凑近前来,以手抚之细看。