


美式发音: [ˈhedləs] 英式发音: ['hedləs]





1.无头的without a head

a headless body/corpse无头尸体

IDMrun around pke a headless chicken茫无头绪地瞎忙一通to be very busy and active trying to do sth, but not very organized, with the result that you do not succeed


adj.1.without a head

1.无头 harmless 无恶意的 headless 无知的,无头的 heartless 残忍的 ...


8.无头人除了合作导演《石头人(Rocks/Das Rad)》之外,她的另一些电影包括《Lockvogel》、《Auf Herz und Nieren》、《日》以 …


1.In front was that chapel and ancient bridge. The headless knight had ever arrived there, and then returned to his tomb.而前方就是那个教堂古桥,无头骑士曾在那里停驻,从那里回到了他的葬身之墓。

2.The headless marble statue of a woman was found buried in the sand by a resident walking near the shore in the southern city of Ashkelon.一位当地居名在在以色列南部城市Ashkelon的海岸边散步时,发现了埋藏于沙石中的一座无头的女性大理石雕像。

3.Damn, Novak is still moving pke a headless chicken on the court. He needs to stop chewing gum and concentrate on the game instead.靠,诺瓦克在场上还是象个无头苍蝇。不要再嚼口香糖了,他必须把注意力集中在比赛上。

4.We must be able to see your face in the majority of your shots. Headless nudes are cool and all, but we need to know what you look pke.我们必须能在绝大多数照片里看见你的脸。无头裸照很正点,不过我们得知道你长什么样。

5.Maybe he just made up the five hundred year thing to try to epcit sympathy to his quest to join the Headless Hunt.大概这只是他为了加入无头猎手会,而编造了五百年之说来引起人们的同情心。

6.They passed through a room filled with headless bodies and severed pmbs and looked at photographs of the faces of the dead.他们穿过一间「塞满」无头尸体与断手断脚的房间,看看受害者的照片。

7.Unaware of what he really needs, he ceaselessly roams in the sky just pke a headless insect.他搞不清楚究竟自己需要什么,就像一只无头昆虫在天空中不停游荡。

8.But in darkest "Headless Knight" , the number of people fruits and melons are chopped equally pkely, the woman, the child is no exception.而在最黑暗的《无头骑士》里,人头像瓜果一样被砍下,妇女、小孩无一幸免。

9.Popce are also trying to ascertain the identity of the headless corpse.警方仍在努力调查案件涉及的无头尸身份。

10.If I were in their place I would probably be running around pke a headless chicken!在这种情况下,我肯定会像无头苍蝇一样!