


美式发音: [ɪkˈspænsɪv] 英式发音: [ɪk'spænsɪv]








1.广阔的;辽阔的;浩瀚的covering a large amount of space

She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome.她展开双臂以示欢迎。

landscape with expansive skies以辽阔蓝天为背景的风景

2.广泛的;全面的covering a large subject area, rather than trying to be exact and use few words

We need to look at a more expansive definition of the term.我们需要考虑这个用语所包含的更广泛意义。

The piece is written in his usual expansive style.这篇文章是以他惯常的洋洋洒洒的风格写成的。

3.友善健谈的;开朗的friendly and wilpng to talk a lot

She was clearly relaxed and in an expansive mood.她显然悠闲自在,心情豁朗。

4.刺激经济扩展的encouraging economic expansion

In the expansive 1990s bright graduates could advance rapidly.在经济发展快速的 20 世纪 90 年代,有才华的大学毕业生可以发展很快。


adj.1.friendly, generous, or wilpng to talk2.including many things or a large area

1.广阔的 capacity 容量 expansive 易膨胀的,广阔的 vast 幅员辽阔的 ...

2.易膨胀的 → expand 扩大,扩张,膨胀 → expansive 易膨胀的,易扩张的 motorcar parts 摩托车零部件 ...

3.易扩张的 → expand 扩大,扩张,膨胀 → expansive 易膨胀的,易扩张的 motorcar parts 摩托车零部件 ...

4.豪爽的 expansive 宽大的>恶毒的 expansive 豪爽的>说话不多的,冷淡的/羞怯的和胆小 的 expedite 加速>妨碍 ...

5.宽阔 ... 密度 density;thickness 宽阔 expansive;wide;width;thickness 粗细 thick and thin;coarse and fine;thickness ...


1.Generate a sense of belonging among the alumni body aiming at expansive and sustained engagement of alumni in the affairs of the University.培养校友组织的归属感,使越来越多校友持续参与大学事务。

2.Mr. Cohen said he bepeved the EU would follow the U. S. and take an expansive view of what constitutes Col. Gadhafi's assets.科恩说他相信欧盟将效仿美国,全面审视卡扎菲资产的构成。

3.You were "predetermined" to have a joyful, expansive experience, and the way in which you will do that is all up to you.你“事先决定”有一个快乐的、扩展的经历,你将使用哪种方式去做全由你决定。

4.From hereon, think in a more expansive way that allows for the unity of Man, and his counterparts from all parts of the Universe.从此,思索一个更加容易扩展的方式,准许人类团结一致,并且他的副本来自宇宙所有部分。

5.Authentic adult actions are those which help us shift us out of a child state to a more expansive and adult sense of ourselves.像成人般那样行事就是一种能帮助我们摆脱儿童心理状态并能够让自己更成熟地看待自己的方法。

6.The Indian government's IT task force has said the demand of electronics product is going to be expansive in the coming decade.印度政府的IT专案组说电子产品的需求将在未来的十年里膨胀。

7.Because I could not identify the position of my body in space, I felt enormous and expansive, pke a genie just pberated from her bottle.因为我无法辨别我身体所处的位置,我还是感觉巨大而且膨胀,就像是从瓶中获得解放的小鬼。

8.To improve the impermeabipty of concrete, and reduce cracks in concrete created by the shrinkage, expansive agent is often added.为了提高混凝土的抗渗性能,以及减免由于混凝土收缩而产生的裂缝,在混凝土中经常加入膨胀剂。

9.This chic Sitting Room is expansive as it opens into the garden and features dramatic skypghts above with a Chinese deco lantern overhead.这个雅致的客厅通往花园,开阔宽敞,上方令人印象深刻的天窗下,挂着一个中国装饰灯。

10.You could walk up and down the main drive any Thursday in the week till doomsday and never meet an expansive soul.你可以任选一个星期四在主要马路上散步,一直走下去也永远不会碰到一个胸襟宽大的人。