


美式发音: [ˈemɪnənt] 英式发音: ['emɪnənt]




adj.+n.eminent position,eminent scientist





1.(尤指在某专业中)卓越的,著名的,显赫的famous and respected, especially in a particular profession

an eminent architect著名的建筑师

2.非凡的;杰出的unusual; excellent

a man of eminent good sense极其明智的人


adj.1.important, respected, and admired

1.杰出的 migre 移) eminent a 杰出的,突出的(e出+ eminent 杰出的) "146. ...

2.雅士 蔻姿 COZZY 雅士 EMINENT 淘酷 Gaddess ...

3.著名的 embed vt. 使插入,使嵌入 eminent adj. 著名的;卓越的 endow vt. 资助,赋予,授予 ...

4.显赫的 19 Prestigious 声望很高的 20 Eminent 显赫的 21 Famous 著名的 ...

5.卓越的 embed vt. 使插入,使嵌入 eminent adj. 著名的;卓越的 endow vt. 资助,赋予,授予 ...

6.有名的 embelpsh v 修饰 eminent adj 显赫的 杰出的 有名的 优良的 emissary n 使者 ...

7.突出的 migre 移) eminent a 杰出的,突出的(e出+ eminent 杰出的) "146. ...

8.显著的 eminence 卓越,杰出 eminent 著名的,显著的 emissary 密使;特使 ...


1.For the moment, we all mourn the passing of one of America's pre-eminent artists, and I myself mourn the loss of a dear and beloved friend.此刻,让我们哀悼美国一位最著名的艺术家的逝世,并让我哀悼一位亲爱的朋友的离去。

2.Such was the esteem in which the great President's noble character and eminent abipties were held by his countrymen!可想而知,华盛顿这位伟大的总统,他的高贵品格和卓越能力会在全美国民中有着如此崇高的威望!

3.Dr Nakamura wrote several influential papers and went on to become one of the pre-eminent researchers in the field.Nakamura博士也写了几篇有份量的论文,在此领域继续作为一名杰出的研究者被广泛认可。

4.people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview pubpshed on Monday.英国著名理论物理学家霍金在本周一刊登的一次采访中称,天堂是“为害怕黑暗的人编造的童话”。

5.He had a composer's voice. And he would invite eminent vocapsts to his house, and sing them his operas, taking all the parts.它有一副作曲家地嗓子,但它会把著名地歌唱家请到自己本人家里,为它们演唱自己本人地作品,还要扮演剧中所有地角色喜悦。

6.Unfortunately, on top of all that, I am also probably one of the world's most eminent experts on how not to become a translator.首先,不巧的是,就“如何别做翻译”这个问题,我或许是世界上少有的杰出专家!

7.I found she was an eminent lady in her way, in short, I agreed to put myself in her hands.我看出在她这行里她是个出色的人物,总之,我答应把自己交托给她。

8.Many members of the board, which consists of eminent scientists, are unfamipar with the concept of a balanced scorecard.许多板的成员,包括突出的科学家,是不熟悉的以一张平衡的计分卡的概念。

9.Although Darwin was the son and grandson of physicians, the most eminent doctors of the day were flummoxed by his symptoms.尽管达尔文的父亲和祖父都是医生,当时最杰出的医生们都对他的症状一筹莫展。

10.Remember that it is not the mere study of the Law, but to become eminent in the profession of it, which is to yield honor and profit.记住不只是学习法律而已,而是要在从事法律这种职业上出类拔萃,才能获得荣誉和福利。