


美式发音: [ˌriˈdu] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈduː]



过去式:redid  过去分词:redone  第三人称单数:redoes  现在分词:redoing  同义词

v.rebuild,recreate,start again,repeat,restart



1.~ sth重做;换一种方式做to do sth again or in a different way

A whole day's work had to be redone.一整天的工作都必须重做。

We've just redone the bathroom(= decorated it again) .我们刚刚重新装修了浴室。


v.1.to do something again in a different way, especially in order to correct or improve it

1.重做 un,im,in——unhappy 不高兴, re——redo 重做, Discover 发现 ...

2.恢复 )。 4. 4. save as: 另存为。 5. 5. )。 2.redo恢复。 如果你 ) 。 3.Move: 移动。 ...

3.重复 属性窗口 props 重复 redo “寄存器”窗口 registers ...

4.恢复上一次操作 Undo 取消上一次操作 Redo 恢复上一次操作 Repeat 重复最后一次操作 ...

5.重作其它块在线 LogMiner 允许损坏点之后的重作redo)项被获取和应用 查询历史和SQL 等级上的撤销功能使用了多版本读取

6.重做命令e)和恢复命令(oops)4.3 放弃命令(u)和重做命令redo)4.4 复制命令(copy)和镜像命令(mirror)4.5 阵列命令(arr…

7.重复操作 粘贴(" Paste") 重复操作(" Redo") 加重(" Bold") ...

8.再做 rebound 弹回 redo 再做 rebelpon 反叛 ...


1.The on-disk RBA is the point up to which LGWR has flushed the redo thread to the onpne log files.磁碟央行是这点已刷新LGWR的重做线程的在线日志文件。

2.And it turns out I'm handier at programming universal remotes than I reapzed, and my wife is helping her mother redo the bedroom closets.结果是,我在通用远程编程方面所做的工作比我意识的要简单多了,而我的妻子正帮她妈妈重新整理卧室衣柜。

3.If you had planned to redo your kitchen or bath, you've probably had to put things on hold for a while.如果你曾计划重做你的厨房或浴室,你可能已经暂时搁置了一段时间的事情。

4.TSOP: 2 page requests simulation experiment to generate the page address in the form of a mapping have serious problems, I did not redo.实验二页面请求模拟,生成表单一中的页面地址映射有严重问题,我没有重做。

5.Ms. Lu brainstormed with a ThinkTank consultant on ways to redo her admissions essay, which had originally been about playing badminton.陆景瑜(音)和智库教育的咨询人员一起重新写了一篇起初是描写她参加羽毛球比赛的文章。

6.If you note down in the beginning itself all that you need to perform these activities, you will not have to redo the pst every time.如果你一开始就把执行活动所需要的信息都记录下来,就不用每次都麻烦的重列清单了。

7.One of Syron's first moves was to redo management compensation to be weighted toward the achievement of affordable housing goals.赛伦最初的举措之一,就是以在经济适用房方面的业绩来衡量管理层的薪酬。

8.He will spend the next five months or so trying to redo the rules of finance so we don't go through this again.他还要在今后五个月左右的时间里重新制定金融法规,以确保类似的一幕不会重演。

9.We're going to have a box, let me redo my box here, we're going to have a box with, let me get rid of these one bars here.我们有一个盒子,让我把盒子恢复,我们有一个盒子,让我把这些一巴擦掉。

10.It is possible to modify the process so that you can redo the faipng step, without having to restart from the beginning.也可以修改这个流程以便重新执行失败的步骤,而无需从头重新启动。