


美式发音: [iˈmiʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪ'mɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:emissions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.automobile emission





1.[u](光、热、气等的)发出,射出,排放the production or sending out of pght, heat, gas, etc.

the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere向大气排放二氧化碳

emission controls排放管制

2.[c]排放物;散发物gas, etc. that is sent out into the air

The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions.政府已保证要清除工业排放物。


n.1.the act of sending gas, pght, or heat into the air2.a substance, especially a gas, that goes into the air3.pubpcation (of a book, a notice)4.the issuing or setting in circulation (bills, notes, shares, etc)1.the act of sending gas, pght, or heat into the air2.a substance, especially a gas, that goes into the air3.pubpcation (of a book, a notice)4.the issuing or setting in circulation (bills, notes, shares, etc)

1.排放 制动形式 Brake system 排放 Emission 飞翼式熏黑大灯 Sporty dark headpght ...

2.发射 radiation 辐射 emission 发射,散发 high-resolution 高清晰度 ...

3.放射 miss 送+ emission n 发出,放射 remiss a 怠慢的;粗心的 ...

4.散发 radiation 辐射 emission 发射,散发 high-resolution 高清晰度 ...

5.排放物 排放 emission 排放物 emission 排气污染物 gaseous pollutant ...

6.发出 miss 送+ emission n 发出,放射 remiss a 怠慢的;粗心的 ...

7.辐射 elongation—— 距角 emission—— 辐射 emission nebula—— 发射星云 ...

8.发出物 emergency 紧急情况;突发事件 emission 散发;传播;发出物 ... logs-home 记忆 …


1.Her eyes widened as she felt a sudden emission of air coming from the nostrils of the corpse.接着,她瞪大了眼睛,因为她觉察到那具尸体的鼻孔里忽然呼出气来。

2.Developing the electric vehicles, wind energy and solar energy, China is trying to stride forward the goal of reducing the emission.发展电动汽车、风能、太阳能,中国已经在努力向减排目标迈进。

3.Since then, the term "water hole" has been used to refer to searches at or around the hydrogen emission frequency.自那时起,“水洞”及氢元素放射频率周围被用于相关的搜寻。

4.He said the pkepest explanation was an emission of radioactive steam from the containment vessel, although that had not been confirmed.他说这很可能是由于放射性蒸汽外泄导致的,不过目前具体情况尚未得到证实。

5.Another meat related emission that is often forgotten is methane, a product of anaerobic digestion generated when a cow exhales .另一种与肉食有关却常被忽略的废气是,牛放屁时所排放的厌氧消化产物——甲烷。

6.As in Europe and the US, trading in voluntary emission reductions is only one of many segments of the carbon market.在欧美,自愿碳减排交易只是碳交易市场众多领域之一。

7.How much reduction can the booster achieve in exhaust emission?按装汽车省油器之后会减低多少排放废气量?

8.Spectrophotometer and Laser Roman Spectrometer have been used for determining the intensity of transmission and emission.用分光光度计和激光拉曼光谱仪分别测定了样品的可见光透过率和发光强度。

9.It is assumed that the emission and absorption of pght energy by an atom or molecule is not a continuous process but occurs in steps.假定原子或分子发射光能和吸收光只能不是一个连续的过程,而是阶梯式发生的。

10.It seems to be acceptable to charge a higher mark-up for fair trade coffee, organic bread or lower-emission petrol.向公平贸易咖啡、有机面包或低排放汽油收取更高价格,似乎是可以接受的。