



美式发音: [rɪˈfɜr] 英式发音: [rɪˈfɜː(r)]



过去式:referred  第三人称单数:refers  现在分词:referring  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.refer matter,refer case,refer patient,refer question,refer dispute


v.mention,denote,talk about,bring up,signify


v.1.把某人叫做 (as),将...归因于...,认为,是起因于[由于]...,将...归入,认为,属于(某物,某类,某地,某人,某时代等) (to)2.把...提交,交付,委托,付托(事件,问题等)(to)3.叫...去打听,叫某人参看,叫某人查询,叫某人注意 (to);叫...到某处或某人处 (to),查询某事 (for);让...过目,使...参看;使...注意(事实等) (to)4.借助,参考,参看,引证,引用;翻阅,查看(账簿等) (to)5.有关系,涉及 (to) 说到,提到;打听,查询〔特别是品行,能力等〕 (to)6.使注意,指点,指示1.把某人叫做 (as),将...归因于...,认为,是起因于[由于]...,将...归入,认为,属于(某物,某类,某地,某人,某时代等) (to)2.把...提交,交付,委托,付托(事件,问题等)(to)3.叫...去打听,叫某人参看,叫某人查询,叫某人注意 (to);叫...到某处或某人处 (to),查询某事 (for);让...过目,使...参看;使...注意(事实等) (to)4.借助,参考,参看,引证,引用;翻阅,查看(账簿等) (to)5.有关系,涉及 (to) 说到,提到;打听,查询〔特别是品行,能力等〕 (to)6.使注意,指点,指示

v.1.to make a comment in speech or writing that either specifically mentions somebody or something or is intended to bring somebody or something to mind2.to describe somebody or something3.to relate to or be connected with something4.to direct somebody to something or somebody else for information, help, treatment, or judgment5.to consult a source in order to find information or assistance6.to attribute the cause or source of something to something else7.send,take,hand over(to,back to)to be dealt with;decided,etc.8.hand over;submit9.(of a speaker,what is said,etc.)speak of;allude to;apply to1.to make a comment in speech or writing that either specifically mentions somebody or something or is intended to bring somebody or something to mind2.to describe somebody or something3.to relate to or be connected with something4.to direct somebody to something or somebody else for information, help, treatment, or judgment5.to consult a source in order to find information or assistance6.to attribute the cause or source of something to something else7.send,take,hand over(to,back to)to be dealt with;decided,etc.8.hand over;submit9.(of a speaker,what is said,etc.)speak of;allude to;apply to

1.谈及 referrible 可归究于 referring 谈及 refers to 引用 ...

2.引用 Combination( 结合) Referring( 引用) The difference( 区别) ...

3.参考 (安装)→ fixes 2. ()→ referring 4. ( 绑) → tying 3. ...

5.查阅 ... (equipped, equipping) 装备9. (referred, referring) 提到,查阅 wide—width 宽度; ...

6.指向 Owner 所有者 Referring 指向 The difference 不一样? ...

7.提及 Group 4. Summarizing 总结 Group 5. Referring 提及 Group 7. Inferring 推断 ...

8.指称二种方式来看,首先是指示(indicating)或指称referring)对象所具有的一些性质,其次为此term所指称的事物/元目称为 …


1.This has no ambiguity; you know exactly which element I am referring to in either case. .没有不清楚的地方,您完全知道我说的是哪一个元素。

2."We've had a customer satisfaction guarantee for a long time, " she said, referring a reporter to the company Web site.“我们提供客户满意度保证已有很长时间”,她在向一位记者展示公司网站时说。

3.If he is told that this (referring to the above examples) is the best the harmonica can produce, you can imagine what his opinion will be.如果他被告知这(指上述的例子)是口琴所能做到的最好的了,你可以想象他的意见会是怎样的。

4."It's such a neat thing, " she said, referring to the past ties between the West Texas desert and Antarctica's glaciers.“就是这样一件简洁的事情,”她说,引证过去西部德州沙漠与南极冰川之间的联系。

5."You will not change them" - Referring to men as though your only option is accepting your fate as an Egyptian girl in a backward society.“妳没办法改变他的”-在一个思想落伍的社会里,妳唯一的选择就是接受身为一个埃及女孩的命运。

6.Woods posted two tweets Tuesday of photos from his EA Sports shoot at Isleworth, referring to one as a "tough day at the office. "伍兹周二发布了两张他在艾尔沃斯EA体育比赛中拍摄的照片,称这是一个“在办公室艰难的一天。”

7.Developers were pke "dragons and fish jumbled together" , he said, referring to a mixture of high and low-quapty companies.他表示,开发商“鱼龙混杂”(即优质和劣质企业都有)。

8."You know what I'm talking about, " Mrs. Claus told the Obamas, referring to the couple's nights out on the town together.圣诞夫人对奥巴马总统一家说:“你们明白我的意思。”她指的是奥巴马夫妇的浪漫夜游。

9.'My children can't even watch 'Babe, '' she laughed, referring to the children's fable about a talking pig who loses his mother.她笑着说,我的孩子连《小猪宝贝》(Babe)都还不能看。这部电影讲述的是一只失去母亲、会说话的猪的寓言故事。

10."We did not know where our coffers were, but now we do, " he said, referring to oil and gas.“我们以前不知道我们的财源在哪里,现在我们知道了,”他表示,他指的是石油和天然气。