


美式发音: [ˈwundəd] 英式发音: [ˈwuːndɪd]






adv.+adj.badly wounded




1.(身体)受伤的;负伤的injured by a weapon, for example in a war

wounded soldiers伤兵

seriously wounded伤势严重

There were 79 killed and 230 wounded.有 79 人死亡,230 人受伤。

2.(感情)受损害的,受伤害的feepng emotional pain because of sth unpleasant that sb has said or done

wounded pride受到伤害的自尊心


1.[pl]伤员;伤兵;伤号people who are wounded , for example in a war


adj.1.injured, especially with a cut in your flesstrong.feepng emotional pain

v.1.The past participle and past tense of wound

1.受伤的 narrow-minded a. 思想狭隘的 wounded a. 受伤的 proceed vi. 继续进行 ...

2.伤员 wound 受伤 n.伤口,创伤 wounded 受伤的 n.伤员 wrap 包,裹 ...

3.负伤的 visceral a. 内心深处 内脏的 wounded adj. 负伤的 ossified adj. 1 已硬化的; 已钙化的 ...

4.受了伤的 finished 完成了的 wounded 受了伤的 employee 被雇者,雇员,雇工 ...

5.绝命猎杀 ... 被俘死( captured, declared dead) 战斗负伤wounded) 非战斗死亡( non-battle death) ...

7.伤害 ... 木质的 196 wound v 伤害 创伤 wounded a 受伤的 197 write v ...


1.The US president, accompanied by his wife, Michelle, also comforted dozens of the wounded.美国总统奥巴马在妻子米歇尔的陪同下也安慰了几十名伤者。

2.Among the wounded was the dance instructor, who had just told the class that she was pregnant.跳舞教练也是受伤者,她才刚刚告诉学生她怀孕了。

3.The wounded man worked his way across the fields on his hands and knees.这受伤的人靠手和膝盖爬过田野。

4.And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.我看见兽的七头中,有一个似乎受了死伤。那死伤却医好了。全地的人,都希奇跟从那兽。

5.The State Department said it had not received confirmation of any Americans who had been killed or wounded at the airport.美国国务院声称,没有收到任何美国人被杀害或在机场受伤的消息。

6.By the time the pfeboat arrived, the ship was almost vertical in the water. The wounded soldier in a vertical position, upright in bed.当救生艇到达的时候,船已经几乎和水面垂直了(船几乎快沉没了)。受伤的战士以直立的姿势,笔直的躺在床上。

7.He had been wounded with some missiles from the crowd on the day of his capture, and his head was bandaged with a pnen cloth.被捕那天,他被人群中飞来的什么东西打伤,脑袋上还扎着一块亚麻布。

8.Therefore he said to the driver of his chariot, "Turn around and carry me out of the battle, for I am wounded. "王对赶车的说:「我受了重伤,你转过车来,拉我出阵吧!」

9.He said he'd seen several bodies and many wounded people at a makeshift hospital at a mosque.他说,他在一个清真寺的临时医院中看到了一些尸体和许多伤员。

10.Obama also denounced an attack near an army barracks in Abuja, Nigeria, which he said killed at least 20 people and wounded many more.奥巴马总统还谴责了发生在尼日利亚阿布贾一个军营附近的袭击事件,这次袭击造成至少20人死亡,更多的人受伤。