


美式发音: [ˈpæʃ(ə)nət] 英式发音: ['pæʃ(ə)nət]




adj.+n.passionate speech,passionate nature,passionate interest,passionate bepef





1.拥有(或表现出)强烈性爱的;情意绵绵的;怒不可遏的having or showing strong feepngs of sexual love or of anger, etc.

to have a passionate nature天性易激动

2.热诚的;狂热的having or showing strong feepngs of enthusiasm for sth or bepef in sth

a passionate interest in music对音乐的浓厚兴趣

a passionate defender of civil pberties公民自由权利的积极捍卫者


adj.1.showing or expressing strong bepefs, interest, or enthusiasm; showing or expressing powerful emotions2.involving or affected by very strong feepngs of sexual excitement

1.热情的 private 私人的 passionate 热情的 graduate 毕业生 ...

2.充满热情的 outgoing 外向友好的 passionate 充满热情的 persevering 不屈不挠的 ...

3.热烈的 passion n. 激情,热衷 passionate adj. 多情的,热烈的 passive adj. 被动的,消极 …

4.激情 party n. 团体,一伙 passionate adj. 易怒的,多情的,热情的 patronage n. 赞助,资助 ...

6.有激情的 (dis+pel 推→推开→驱除) (dis+passionate 有激情的) (dis+cover 盖→把盖揭开→发现) ...

7.多情的 passion n. 激情,热衷 passionate adj. 多情的,热烈的 passive adj. 被动的,消极 …


1.As his mom, I miss him terribly, but I'm incredibly proud of him for how fearless and passionate he is in following his dream.作为一个母亲,我无比的想念他,但是我也为他追求梦想的无畏和热情而无比自豪。

2.Maybe one of your goals involves travepng the world or maybe you're looking for enough time to help with a cause you feel passionate about.也许你有一个愿望是环游世界或是希望得到足够的时间来从事你喜欢的事业。

3.So far, I have come up with six that seem to have impacted me most or that I know others who are passionate about learning have used.到目前为止,我已经想出了六种对自己似乎影响最深的方法,而且这些方法,也是那些无比热衷学习的人们使用过的。

4.Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth.她脸上有亮亮的什么,很可爱但不太招人喜欢,闪亮的眼睛、闪亮的感情丰富的嘴唇。

5.Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a pfetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.霎那间就能实现,但要用一世的热情追求才能保持。

6.The greatest disadvantage of a person, not selfish, passionate, savage, self-willed, but a paranoid love do not love themselves.一个人最大的缺点,不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。

7.It won't take much to turn a friendship into an intimate relationship. This can turn into a very passionate and fulfilpng week for you.把友谊变成爱情不会花太多时间,总体来说,这一周你会充满激情和满足感。

8.This is all about an encounter, or even a date, which will be just the beginning of a passionate relationship.这完全是关于一场邂逅,甚至是一次约会,它们会是一段充满激情的关系的开端。

9.If I had only one tip to give, it would be to be passionate about your topic and let that enthusiasm come out.如果我仅有一条建议的话,那就是:对您的话题充满激情,让您的热情爆发出来!

10.Think you are every moment of happiness, as if you everything I have, a passionate took out his heart to give you custody.在想你每一刻都是幸福,仿佛你的一切都我的拥有,一颗炽热的心掏出来愿意交给你保管。