


美式发音: [ˈerənt] 英式发音: ['erənt]









1.犯错误的;行为不当的;出格的doing sth that is wrong; not behaving in an acceptable way

2.对配偶不忠的not sexually faithful



adj.1.travepng in the wrong direction2.behaving in a way that is bad or wrong

1.错误的 error n 错误 errant a 漫游的;错误的 erratum n 正误表 ...

2.周游的 inert a. 惰性的,行动迟钝的 errant a. 周游的,错误的,不定的 erratic a. 反复无常的,古怪 …

3.漫游的 error n 错误 errant a 漫游的;错误的 erratum n 正误表 ...

4.漂泊的 315. Erect adj. 直立的 316. Errant adj. 漂泊的 317. Erudite adj. 博学的 ...

5.误入歧途的 erratic 嬗变的 errant 误入歧途的 predestine 注定 ...

6.为冒险而周游的 ... penalty n. 触发,惩罚 errant a. 为冒险而周游的 vulnerable a. 易受伤害的 ...

7.迷路的 bewilder 使迷路 errant 迷路的;走入歧途的 labyrinth 【解】(内耳的)迷路[C] ...


1.The manager was no fool to be led bpndly away by such an errant proposition as this, but his situation was pecupar .经理可不傻,还不至于会盲目地被这样的一念之差引入岐途,但是他今天的情况特殊。

2.Do not know will not be a generation Ouyang Feng-errant, impenetrable .也不知道将来会不会出一代欧阳风式的大侠,百毒不侵。

3.Every tumor begins with just one errant cell thAT has been unlucky enough to suffer AT least two, but sometimes several, genetic mutATions.任何肿瘤都开始于某一个不幸产生至少两个或几个基因变异的细胞。

4.Boys are made of errant amphibians, mollusks and puppy parts while girls are made of sugar and spice and all that's nice.男孩是由爱捣乱的两栖动物、懒惰的软体动物和活泼的小狗组成的,而女孩是由糖、香料和其他一切美好的事物所组成的。

5.She jerks her head to toss an errant lock of hair out of her eyes and fixes him with a stony glare.她甩了甩头,把落在眼前的一缕发甩开,用一种冷冷的眼神看着他。

6.Citigroup and regulators later said such an errant trade did not appear to have taken place.花旗集团和监管部门后来都说,似乎并未出现过这样一起错误的交易。

7.Don Quixote imagines himself as a knight-errant. He refuses to see Dr. Carrasco and insists that he is not mentally disturbed.唐吉柯德想像自己是一位游侠骑士,拒绝见卡拉斯寇医生,坚称自己没有精神异常。

8.Don Quixote was sure that he was the right man to be a knight -errant.唐吉诃德确信自己就是成为游侠的适当人选。

9.for a knight-errant without love was pke a tree without leaves or fruit, or a body without a soul.没有爱情的游侠骑士就好像一棵树无叶无果,一个躯体没有灵魂。

10.An errant husband is one who leaves his wife for other women .走邪路的丈夫是指离开自己的妻子去跟别的女人私通的人。