


美式发音: 英式发音: ['eməri]






8.美国亚特兰大埃默里美国亚特兰大埃默里Emory)大学行为研究学者萨拉赫·布洛斯南对卷尾猴用黄瓜和葡萄做了一个公平实验,这篇文章在<自然> …


1.I know, Mr. Emory. I'm sorry. But I really need to see the doctor this afternoon. I feel dizzy and I can't concentrate on my work.我知道,对不起。但是我今天下午必须去看医生,我头晕而且不能专心工作。

2.Mr. Emory would pke to set up an appointment with you to talk about buying a new fax machine.艾默利先生想跟您约个时间谈一下购买一台新传真机的事。

3.A: Hello, Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr. Emory's office. He'd pke to set up an appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier.你好,罗斯曼先生。我是埃莫里办公室的麦克尔。他想和您定个时间商谈买一台新复印机。

4.Mr. Emory has asked me to set up a meeting with you.埃莫里先生让我与您约定一个会晤。

5.Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week.早上好,埃莫里先生。我希望和您定一下这个星期什么时候见面。

6.Cameron called his mother, Brandy, 50, from the ER at Emory Eastside Medical Center.卡梅隆给母亲布兰迪打了电话,布兰迪50岁,是从欧洲来的移民,当时在埃默里东城医疗中心工作。

7.Fine, thanks. Mr. Emory would pke to meet with Mr. Macmillan tomorrow afternoon. Can you take a look at his book?很好,谢谢。埃莫里先生明天下午想和麦克米伦先生见次面。你能查一下他的记事本吗?

8.Hello, Mr. Black? This is Christina in Mr. Emory's office. Mr. Emory would pke to set up an appointment with you.你好,布莱克先生。我是艾默利先生办公室的克里斯蒂娜。艾默利先生想跟您约个时间谈一下购买一台新传真机。

9.I reapze that you're very busy man, Mr. Emory , and I'm sorry to take up your time.我知道您是一个忙人,埃莫里先生。很抱歉占用您的时间。

10.First, let me introduce myself, David Emory, director of the Engpsh department.我先做一下自我介绍,大卫。埃默里,英语系主任。