


美式发音: 英式发音: [mɔn]

n.man 的变体;孟族人;孟族语

网络释义:星期一(Monday);周一;马达法辛烷值(Motor Octane Number)



n.1.man 的变体2.孟族人3.孟族语

n.1.a member of a people who pve in adjacent parts of Thailand and Myanmar2.a man3.a Mon-Khmer language that is spoken in adjacent parts of Thailand and Myanmar.

1.星期一(Monday) 星期三: Wed.=Wednesday 星期一Mon.=Monday 星期四: Thur.=Thurday ...

2.周一 十二月: Dec 周一 Mon 周二 Tue ...

3.马达法辛烷值(Motor Octane Number) 日 Sun. Mon. 二 Tues. ...

6.孟邦注于缅甸的“马儿大莾”[莫塔马(马达班)或说缅甸的孟邦Mon)克伦邦(Kayin)附近]一区,此处明显于今学者所考证的地 …


1.You wouldn't think, lookin' at him. Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased 'em both. C'mon, boy, back to work. . .看外表是看不出来,把妻子与一个高尔夫球手捉奸在床,开枪打死了他们。来吧,孩子,回去干活。

2.Phoebe: Well, c'mon, if it's important enough to discuss while I'm playing, then I assume it's important enough for everyone else to hear!菲比:快说,如果有事如此重要非在我唱歌时谈论,那我就认为这足够重要与我们分享。

3.In his later years, as he body began to fail him, Ackbar came out retirement from his home at the Heurkea Floating City on Mon Calamari.阿克巴晚年虽然身体欠佳,但还是重新出山,离开了他在蒙卡拉马里星球赫基漂浮城的家。

4.C'mon, you guys, it wasn't that bad. I was the lead. It was better than that thing I did with the trolls, at least you got to see my head.别这样,你们这样家伙,不是那么差吧。我是主角。至少比我在合唱的轮唱好多了,至少你们能看到我的头。

5.'You know, mon p'tit, this hotel pfe is all very well, but it's the devil when you're out of work.你知道,小子,这样在酒店干挺好,可是一旦失了业可就要了命。

6.RICHARD: Woah, woah, no wait a minute now. C'mon it's your turn. Ohc'mon. Ya know, I don't need the actual number, just a ballpark.理查德:哇,等一下,现在轮到你说了,快点嘛,我不需要确切的数字,就给个大约数就好了。

7.RAM . It does lots of good stuff and it's nice to have around and all that, but hey c'mon, it's no hard drive!它大量的好东西,并很高兴有大约和所有这一切,但03来吧,这是没有硬盘驱动器!

8.The Mon Calamari are able to descend to depths of up to 30 meters below sea level without requiring breathing or pressure apparatus.蒙卡拉马里人能够一口气潜入海面下最深30米处,不需要呼吸也不用相关的压力装置。

9.Now c'mon, I haven't got all day, and the two of you are running late for a pair of family reunions. So how are you paying?快点吧,我没时间陪你们耽误一整天,而且你们两个的家庭聚会就要迟到了。你们怎么付款?

10.Mon is relatively easy to configure, and is very extensible for people famipar with shell scripting.Mon的配置相对容易,并且对于熟悉shell脚本编程的人而言可扩展性很好。