


美式发音: ['vɒltə] 英式发音: ['vɒltə]






na.1.Volta , A. 伏打(1745-1827),意大利物理学家

n.1.a fast Itapan dance of the 16th and 17th centuries2.the music for a volta3.a single playing of a passage of music that may then be repeated

un.1.river in southeastern Ghana, formed by the confluence of the Black Volta and White Volta rivers and emptying into the Atlantic Ocean.

1.伏打为纪念伏打(Volta)的成就, 将﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍的单位命名为伏特(Volt)。 1、甲杯加入0.1 M﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍溶液至8 分满。

2.伏特市内有科学家伏特Volta)的墓,这位电池的发明人就诞生在科莫,他的名字成为电压单位被世人知晓。达·芬奇 达·芬奇到过 …

3.沃尔塔"沃尔塔"(Volta)的农民舞蹈,在意大利语中沃尔塔一词的意思为"旋转",可见这种舞蹈包含许多旋转动作。1812年,被介绍到 …

4.沃尔特1979 J0302 沃尔特(Volta)河口、大阿克拉(Accra)区和中西部地区殖民时期的城堡、要塞和商栈 C vi 1980 J0301 阿散蒂(Asante…

5.加纳东部地区沃尔特阿科松博水坝位于加纳东部地区沃尔特(Volta)河上,是一座多目标开发沃尔特河水资源的工程,具有发电、防洪、灌溉、航运 …

6.无数次碧玉 –《无数次》(Volta)The Shins –《远离黑夜》(Wincing the Night Away) 贝克 –《现代罪状》(Modern Guilt) 俏妞 …


1.This was the project, originally conceived by the British colonial administration, for a dam on the Volta River.那就是原由英国殖民政府所设计的沃尔特水坝工程计划。

2.Volta wrote about it to Joseph Banks, head of the Royal Society in London, who shared news of the invention with other scientists.伏打将这一发现写信告诉了伦敦皇家学会的主任约瑟夫·班克斯(JosephBanks),后者又将这个新发现的消息告诉了其他的科学家们。

3.In the final it was Volta that took a commanding position at the front of the race, with fellow title hopeful Siegfried in 2nd place.在最后的是沃尔特说了指挥位置在前面的比赛,希望同胞标题齐格弗里德在第2位。

4.The ever-cheerful UNDP said in 1999 that the basins of the Nile, Niger, Volta and Zambezi were all potential flashpoints.1999年,信誓旦旦的联合国开发计划署曾表示,尼罗河、尼日尔河、沃尔特河以及赞比西河流域都是潜在的火药桶。

5.My pastor and I have been invited back to preach God's word in the Volta Region of Ghana Africa over the Easter weekend.我的牧人和我应邀回到宣扬上帝的话语,在沃尔特地区的加纳非洲在复活节周末。

6.Volta provides a many-to-many mapping between the languages in which the code is written and the runtime where the code executes.Volta提供了语言(用于写代码)与运行时(用于执行代码)间的多对多映射。

7.Alessandro Volta's voltaic pile was the first "wet cell battery" that produced a repable, steady current of electricity.亚历山德罗沃尔塔的发电桩是第一个“湿电池”的制作了一个可靠,稳定现行的电力。

8.This was not a patentable invention, since Volta and others long ago created the principles of batteries.这不是一个专利发明,因为沃尔特和其他很久以前创建的原则,电池。

9.Volta supports many distributed-design best practices such as "all calls across the network must be asynchronous"Volta支持许多分布式设计最佳实践,比如“所有网络上的调用都必须是异步的”;

10.Emperor Napoleon of France, who ruled much of Italy at the time, was impressed by Volta's inventions.那时统治意大利大部分地区的法国皇帝拿破仑对伏打的发明印象深刻。