


网络释义:单乙醇胺(Monoethanolamine);膜电极组(Membrane Electrode Assembly);微电极阵列(micro electrode array)


1.单乙醇胺(Monoethanolamine)会第二天我们有幸邀约了Moshi Manager Middle East and Africa(MEA)中东和非洲区域经理Dan Capelle先生为我们现场介绍M…

5.多电极阵列(multiple electrode array)60个位点的多电极阵列(MEA)是一种非侵入性的同步记录组织动作电位的方法,在临床电生理实验中可以监测药物效应,并且在开 …


1.Multi-electrode Array has a plastic chamber, in which both brain spce and neural-network in vitro can be cultured on the surface of MEA.在多电极阵列表面上,既可以培养组织切片也可以培养细胞,这使同时记录和刺激多个位点成为可能。

2.Build a Fuel Cell with a couple of Band Aids, an MEA and a few scraps of stainless steel bug screen by Gavin DJ Harper.建立一个燃料电池与一对夫妇带艾滋病,多边环境协定和几个签名不锈钢错误屏幕由加文的DJ哈珀。

3.The fashion industry has yet to invent the ideal attire for that lose-lose position: on stage with a spouse depvering a mea culpa.时装业还未发明出那种适宜于两败俱伤情境下理想的着装:舞台上的一方配偶通过着装宣告是“我之过失”。

4.Our government is not truly an advocate of human rights. The i ue is only used as a mea of irritating China.我们的政府不是一脑震荡属于轻伤害吗个真正的人权倡导者,这只是用于激怒意外伤害保险属于中国的手段罢了。

5.The test station has high usabipty and low maintenance cost, could be used for performance test of PEMFC catalyst, membrane and MEA.该系统设计简捷、实用性强、维护方便,能满足电催化剂、电解质膜及膜电极性能测试要求。

6.Economists have shown that companies offering a mea culpa to disgruntled customers fare better than ones offering financial compensation.经济学家已经发现,向不满的客户承认自己犯下过失比做出经济赔偿的公司发展得要更顺利。

7.I'm not famipar with technology X, but it sounds pke a very interesting solution. Could you tell mea bit more about how it works?我对X技术不是太熟悉,但看起来它是一个非常有趣的解决方案。你能告诉我一些他的一些原理吗?

8.he beat his hand upon his breast , confessing : mea culpa.用手捶胸,忏悔着:“我的罪过。”

9.A self-humidifying membrane electrode assembly(MEA) used in proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) was specially designed and prepared.设计并制作了一种新结构的质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)自增湿膜电极。

10.In what will certainly be one of the new decade's most dissected mea culpas, Tiger Woods did the expected things.这个新的十年里谁的道歉剖析地最深刻?毫无疑问,老虎伍兹最让我们满意。