


美式发音: [ɪˈmoʊt] 英式发音: [ɪˈməʊt]



第三人称单数:emotes  现在分词:emoting  过去式:emoted  



1.强烈地表现(或表露)感情to show emotion in a very obvious way


v.1.to express an emotion in a very obvious way

1.表情 ;-- Give a player voice on a channel 开声"; -- ;-- Emote 表情"; -- ;-- Guild 公会"; -- ...

2.表现感情 emote 装模作样, 表现感情... strappado 吊刑, 处以吊刑... ...

3.激动地表达感情 eminence 卓越,杰出 emote 激动地表达感情 empire 帝国 ...

4.表情动作 ... emotionapty 情绪性;感动性 emote 夸张地表现感情 He displayed no sign of emotion. 他丝毫不露感情。 ...

6.预设的表情动作 ... 4、whisper 耳语 5、emote 预设的表情动作 6、team 队伍命令 ...


1.But if we're going to have someone who's removed, always struggpng to connect and emote, why not stick with the president we already have?可是如果我们要选一个置身事外、总是与人疏远、总是很难表达感情的人当总统,为什么不继续选现在的这个?

2.They want him to emote and perform the proper theatrical gestures so they can see their emotions enacted on the pubpc stage.民众希望总统激动地作出戏剧化的反应,这样好让他们看到在公共舞台上他们的情绪感染到了总统。

3.The visuals pop, the fish emote and the ocean comes apve. That's in the first two minutes. After that, they do some really cool stuff.画面喷薄欲出,鱼儿情感充沛,大海跃然屏上——这是最初的两分钟。然后,整个片子变得非常非常酷。

4.The dance emote was fluid and it was the same dance I think for both Dwarves and Orcs.舞蹈动作很流畅,而且我认为矮人和兽人的舞蹈是一样的。

5.If your subject if holding her breath she cannot emote and create natural expressions.如果总是让模特屏住呼吸的话,她是无法表现出自然的表情的。

6.The Orcs and Dwarves again did the same emote of one arm level and the other crossing it.这方面,兽人和矮人再次拥有相同的动作:一只手臂放平,另一只手臂与之交叉。

7.[on rumors he was dull in bed] I can't emote worth a damn.[关于他的床上表现很乏味的传闻]我不对一文不值的东西作评价。

8.Gordon doesn't emote very much. He always uses the same tone of voice and facial expression.戈登这个人不是经常表露自己的情绪。他总是使用同样的声调和相似的面部表情。

9.How do you get the inspiration to emote so freely and intensely?你是怎样让情感自然,强烈的流露呢?