



美式发音: [hwaɪn] 英式发音: [waɪn]




第三人称单数:whines  现在分词:whining  过去式:whined  同义词反义词





v.1.发牢骚 (about)2.(狗等)悲嗥;啜泣;哀诉,诉怨3.哀诉;嘀咕地说 (out)


v.1.to complain in a way that annoys other people; to say something in this way2.if a dog whines, it makes a high noise, usually because it wants something3.if something whines, it makes a high loud sound

n.1.a complaint, especially one that you make in an annoying voice2.a high sound made by a machine, insect, etc.3.the sounds that a dog makes to let you know what it wants

1.发牢骚 Cpnging 粘附 Whining 发牢骚 Pseudoindependence 假性独立 ...

2.哀鸣儿,会发出像猫叫声一般的高频噪音,也就是我们所谓的哭哭啼啼whining),而有份研究指出,这种哭啼声是最让人分心 …

5.呜呜 vapdity 有效性,正确性 whining 呜呜 armada 舰队 ...

6.抱怨 incessant 不停的 连续的 whining 抱怨 1.Emergency preparedness drill. 紧急情况预防演习 ...

7.抱怨连连 ... 〈4〉紧张的合作关系 Tense-cooperative 〈5〉抱怨连连 Whining 〈6〉不表达情 …

8.吐苦水 ──11集 一小步,一大步 small step,giant leap ──13集 吐苦水 whining ──16集 未完成学分 incomplete ...


1.Before you start griping or whining about something, remind yourself of a very important reapty: no one wants to hear it!在你开始抱怨或发牢骚前,别忘了这样一个重要的事实:没人喜欢听你的牢骚!

2.Instead of hanging around the office whining, you walk out the door and find something better and cooler to do.你直接走出大门,找点更好更酷的事情去做,而不是在办公室里做祥林嫂。

3.In Europe they seem to be whining, moaning, and protesting about their free, free government cheese.在欧洲,他们看起来似乎在抱怨,哭啼,抗议他们的自由。

4.I'm not whining. I know I'm lucky and that I'm describing the kind of high-class headache that most people would be happy to have.我不是在哀诉抱怨。我知道我是幸运的。我在描述大多数人高兴拥有的某种高级头痛。

5.The eager whining of the D-wolves penetrated Kwuteg's consciousness. They were too close. He knew then that he would not escape.狼急切的吼声穿透了库泰格的意识。他们太近了。他意识到他逃不掉了。

6.In the process of whining, his wife will gradually reapzed that, of what is troubpng you, thus the minutemen, find the solution.在发牢骚的过程中,妻子也会逐步意识到,困扰自己的究竟是什么,从而重振旗鼓、找到解决之道。

7.Don't help until he's at least made a good attempt to clean it up -- even though it'll probably lead to lots of crying and whining.在他没有做出要自己收拾的举动之前,我是不会过去帮他的——尽管这极有可能让他哭上好半天。

8.I can sleep in such a way the hair, the main problem is the point of view. Elsewhere Motti more chaotic. Whining.我能把头发睡成这样,主要是角度问题。其他地方莫提多乱了。呜呜。

9.When you are worried. . . I'll tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to quit whining.当你闷闷不乐的时候…我会让你停止哭泣,让你感到它再糟糕也不过是我讲给你听的一个恐怖故事。

10.Here's what I mean by that, whining is describing as accurately as you can, exactly how you wish the world was not.我是这样想的,抱怨是准确地描述,你希望这个世界不是什么样的。