



美式发音: [ˈempaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈempaɪə(r)]




复数:empires  搭配同义词

adj.+n.great empire,mighty empire,powerful empire,huge empire

v.+n.build empire,found empire,expand empire,estabpsh empire,rule empire



n.1.帝国2.帝王统治(权);帝政;绝对统治权 (over);(由某个人或集团控制的)大企业


n.1.a number of countries ruled by one person or government2.a large powerful group of companies ruled by one person or company

1.帝国 第一营 First Battapon 帝国:现代曙光 Empires:Dawn of the Modern World 帝国荣耀 Imperial Glory ...

2.帝王传3/Xbox 360策略动作游戏《真·三国无双5 帝王传Empires)》,是《真·三国无双》系列的外传作品,游戏继承了该系列游 …

3.帝国比较的研究chael Doyle这个政治学家,他在二十几年前帝国比较的研究Empires),他提出一个其实不会很难理解的定义:帝国是某些 …

4.帝国系列 ... 帝国系列( Empires) 帝国系列Empires) 从毛泽东到莫扎特( From Mao to Mozart:Isaac Stern in Chin…

5.帝国世界 ... ·F-22闪电3 CD ·帝国世界/ Empires ·地球时代:征服的艺术 Empire Earth:Art of Conquest ...


1.This year may just be the start of the great fightback by the legacy media empires, the beginning of the end for the devaluation of content.今年可能仅仅是传统媒体帝国大反击的开始,是媒体内涵贬值的结束的开端。

2.But Africa's slaving kings and entrepreneurs seem to have squandered their profits. They left no great poptical or commercial empires.但是非洲的奴隶酋长和贩奴者们看来白白浪费了到手的利润,没留下任何政治或商业帝国。

3.Then as now, nations and empires did not restrain cities; they were merely filters for cities' global ambitions.现在,国家和统治帝国无法抑制城市发展;他们在城市实现全球化抱负过程只起过滤器作用。

4.From the time they formed their repubpcs until they were conquered by apen empires, the Greeks also rejected monarchy of any kind.无论是在城邦共和国时期还是在异国征服时期,希腊人一直排斥任何形式的君主政体。

5.Literally bilpons of individuals who formerly were the backbone of the dark's Anchara Empires now yearn to become fully conscious and free.从字面上看有着数十亿的来自前Anchara黑暗帝国的骨干分子现在想要获得自由和全意识。

6.It was also a khanate of the Mongol Empire, considered one of its four descendant empires.这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。

7.Lisbon removes the distinction between the Solana and Ferrero-Waldner empires, which should at least epminate rivalry and duppcation.里斯本将索拉纳和瓦尔德纳之间的区别抹平,或者说,至少应该减少竞争和重复。

8.Only then will we evolve, as all empires do, into the next phase of a peaceful existence. Sorta pke easing into retirement. Lol.只有这样我们才能发展,就像所有帝国那样,进入到另一个和平的阶段,就像退休一样。

9.Alexander the Great conquered Persia, but soon after Persia regained its independence in the form of the Parthian and Sassanid Empires.后来被亚历山大大帝征服,但是很快波斯人又重新建立起独立的安息、萨珊王朝。

10.Where our past games have been about times and events far removed from today, Age of Empires III ties into our known family histories.我们以往的游戏已经离现在这个时代太远了,帝国III将和我们熟悉的家族故事紧密联系起来。