


美式发音: [ɪmˈplɔɪər] 英式发音: [ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)]



复数:employers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.former employer,potential employer,previous employer,prospective employer,big employer

v.+n.employer require





1.雇用者;雇主;老板a person or company that pays people to work for them

They're very good employers(= they treat the people that work for them well) .他们是非常好的雇主。

one of the largest employers in the area这个地区最大的雇主之一


n.1.a person or company that pays workers to work for them

1.雇主 employee n. 雇员 employer n. 雇主 engineer n. 工程师 ...

2.老板 emigration 移,移居 employer 雇主,老板 delegate 代表 ...

3.雇佣者 employee n. 雇员 employer n. 雇佣者,雇主 empower v. 授权;使能够 ...

4.单位 (65)工作( Job) (66)单位( Employer) 1. 社会交往( Social Communications) ...

5.雇用者 employee 受雇者,雇员 employer 雇用者,雇主 employment 使用,雇用,工作 ...

6.工作单位 Current position: 职务: Employer: 工作单位: Full name: 姓名: ...

7.业主 mail/sub-contractor 主/分承包商 principal/employer 业主 officer & director pabipty 雇主保险 ...

8.雇主,雇用人 ... employee n. 受雇人,职员,雇员 employer n. 雇主,雇用人;业主 employment n. 1. 使用,雇用;2.职业;就业;服务;工作 ...


1.Manufacturing is still a big employer and it tends to be a very visible one, concentrated in places pke Detroit, Stuttgart and Guangzhou.制造业仍是主要的、而且是显而易见的雇主,它们集中在底特律、斯图加特和广州这样的地方。

2.If your prospects for a promotion don't look so good with your current employer, then a lateral move could set you up for a future cpmb.如果你在当前雇主那里得到晋升的机会无望,那么横向调动会给你带来一个更好的未来发展。

3.I would pke to give my present employer a week or ten days' notice, but otherwise I would be free to begin any time.但我想给我现在的老板一个星期到十天的预先通知,否则我就可以随时开始工作。

4.21. You've been with your current employer quite a while. Why haven't you advanced with him?21.你已经跟了你现在的老板好一段时间了,为什么不继续跟着他呢?

5.Although she appeared to acquiesce to her employer's suggestions , I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made .虽然她默然同意老板的建议,但我看得出她对老板想作的那些改变是存有异议的。

6.The same Employer can only be allowed to have probation period with the same Employee for one time.同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。

7.Nine months later she walked out of that job, too, complaining that her employer "thinks I should be proud to do overtime without pay. "9个月之后她又辞职了,她抱怨说老板“认为我对于免费加班应该自豪。”

8.He decided to take a new job because he thought his abipties were not fully appreciated by his employer.他决定从事一份新的工作,因为他认为他的能力没有完全得到老板的赏识。

9.Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.一件完美的衣服,在你的上司或梦中情人想在一个小时之内见你时,你可以立马穿上出门。

10.If this is so, do what your employer wants you to do, but make it clear that you are wilpng to help in any way needed.如果是这样的话,你还是得按老板的意愿行事,不过要让你老板知道在任何时候需要你时,你都乐意随叫随到。